Reviews for Pretty Boys and Pretty Girls
Curseddestiny chapter 3 . 3/11/2006

(I know you'll come to love my three word reviews)

Update soon
dreamshell chapter 3 . 3/11/2006
Carrion wears Axe? nice. :)

amusing? of course. cute? yeah. simultaneously reminiscent of real life *and* also something way too interesting to ever actually happen? you know it.

so, this was, like, good? you should continue?
My Sweetheart the Drunk chapter 2 . 3/11/2006
oh my god! i love it! update now!
dreamshell chapter 2 . 3/10/2006
haha. oh, i'm going to like this, i can tell. you've got a great knack for satire, teen life - no excuse me, countercultural teen life - and dark/controversial subject matter. i think this narrator is charmingly awkward and has a potential for a lot of humorous monologue. i mean, come on, the opening chapter is just hysterical.
deli-lise chapter 2 . 3/10/2006
im really feelin it. keep it coming. deli
Sir Scott chapter 1 . 3/10/2006
Nice introduction to your story.
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