Reviews for Pretty Boys and Pretty Girls
Qryous chapter 16 . 8/18/2006
Woah not really possible(in my opinion) to stay in love for 14 years but that was a really awesome ending XD Great story!
Qryous chapter 14 . 8/18/2006
Agh, dark fic. Nice story love it.
Qryous chapter 13 . 8/18/2006
shyte, lifes never lucky.
Qryous chapter 12 . 8/18/2006
Lol, what happens to your capital's in your A/Ns? P
Qryous chapter 9 . 8/18/2006
Hey, I love sweet and sour pork. (it's true BTW)
Qryous chapter 8 . 8/18/2006
woah smut. ns
Qryous chapter 4 . 8/18/2006
Is the dude really as ugly as he says himself is? Cause that would be...distubing. Maybe he's just the cute cute type like Naruto? XD (I don't know what's with me and that face these days...)
Qryous chapter 3 . 8/18/2006
ah lol, love-struck little guy P
Qryous chapter 1 . 8/18/2006
The summary alone got me interested and the first chapter got me hooked, love your style XD
multiples of six chapter 16 . 8/13/2006
Cute ending! Aww, happiness. Although, poor Darla. ( But aww.

And YAY for hot gay carsex. xD !
Jezsh chapter 16 . 8/10/2006
Wow...the ending! Weird. Congratulations anyway, that was a wicked story!
x account closed x chapter 16 . 8/10/2006
hahaha best end line ever!

This was an ah-mazing! story!

You are an awesome writer and i realy hope to see more from you soon!
Hate In The Form Of Passion chapter 16 . 8/9/2006
OMFG! THE END? SERIOUSLY? God I'm going to cry or um laugh or um indulge in this giggle fit that is just beginning to erupt in me. Well, ANYWAYS, THAT WAS A GREAT STORY! I loved it! Absolutely loved it and I can't wait to read your other stories! 3
Hate In The Form Of Passion chapter 15 . 8/9/2006
That was.. really really sad. I think I'm going to cry! GAH! *hand trembles while clicking the next chappy*!
blue-eyes91 chapter 16 . 8/8/2006
*dies* omg! i really do love happy endings! i seriously got the chills when i read "There’s one of those rubber bracelets people are so fond of around his wrist; RIP Darla."

poor poor Slyv. i want to have an epiloge to this! what happend to Darla? where did Slyv go when he left? what ever happeng to justin? but this was lovely. i loved it more than i can express. im really going to miss this story. but at least i have Burnt to look forward to!
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