Reviews for Shattered Lightning
Enaid chapter 18 . 4/19/2007
hm... interesting im pretty sure your sequel to this is out and being written arg! that means i will have to wait for updates at some point and that nice little forward button will disappear.

i like that this epiloge leaves things open to wonder. Her baby is probably going to be very powerfull and interesting.

im sad that so many people died, but i guess a new cast of characters will be nice. I wonder what happened to Laura/Beterize(the mean one)/the shy one (forget the 3 names lol) i guess they just went off and had convos w/ themselves... maybe they should show up again but with some boy that has a 3 way split personality!)

cant wait to read more taa taa for now
Enaid chapter 14 . 4/19/2007
GO SARRA! she's a beast killing three evil beings at once. has she even had any magic training?
Enaid chapter 13 . 4/19/2007
double wedding, shape shifting dog, and split personality this story just gets better and better!
Enaid chapter 11 . 4/19/2007
haha soon everyone in the royal household will be leaving with them. anyway i like having more characters added! great now... off to read more
Enaid chapter 6 . 4/18/2007
ya! im so glad liam and sarra are no longer together they just are not right for each other... thinking about paul and marc now i like marc the best but dont know much about paul
Jesse Prano chapter 18 . 5/30/2006
Wow... what an insanely awesome story and ending... it literally gave me the chills, the ending... heh, great job
Sari Eufemia chapter 18 . 5/29/2006
Hey! this Fantasy is wonerful! really great! thers a second part, isnt it? i want to read it now!
Every Thought chapter 1 . 3/29/2006
Very interesting plotline. You seem to be very talented when it comes to twisting the story in different ways. I plan to read more when I have the time...

Every Thought
Fantasygirl721 chapter 18 . 3/21/2006
Very interesting story. I must admit that the polt line is very interesting, but your actual writing needs a little work. At times the story seemed to drag, at others it seemed to go too fast. I think you pacing of the story could use a little work. I also think a little more description would have helped, not only of the surroundings but of the various uses of magic. (The only one that was really in detail was Heather's, though even that was a little vauge)It also would have been easier to understand if you had explained your concept of magic more completly, since alot of people have various veiws of magic and it's applications. I think you have lots of talent and could really do well, but I think you should add more discriptions.

Also I think the Christianity part didn't really fit or have a purpose. The magic is a gift from God is an interesting concept, but it doesn't really fit in, unless it comes into play more in a sequel. I am not saying anything against Christianity, but it doesn't really fit here.

I really like you work and hope you continue to write about Sarra and Marc, and I hope I haven't insulted you. I am just offering friendly advice cause I think that you can do alot with your writing. Keep it up.

jikap chapter 18 . 3/19/2006
i really liked how this story ended up beeing a prequal of some sort, hopefully you're gonna follow up on this... right?
Sari Eufemia chapter 1 . 3/14/2006
hey its good! how lond do you take to add mre chaps?