Reviews for Not Everything is Black and White
Amee Rose chapter 5 . 8/18/2013
O.o iluvthis story ya gotta update;-;
sarcasm is my middle name chapter 5 . 10/14/2010
Interesting idea... and funny story :)
stop-drop-and write chapter 5 . 3/29/2009
very funny and creative. can't wait for more drama with the brothers.
raped by a female bunni chapter 5 . 7/30/2008
omg i dont really know andrew but i already like him keep up the good work and UPDATE!
Ice and Snow chapter 5 . 5/26/2008
it's been a year! D continue soon. it's very interesting.
You Really Think Im Listening chapter 5 . 8/24/2007
eep! . -hyperventilates- You must update soon!
MelGrl chapter 5 . 8/6/2007
This story sounds very familiar to me. Anyways, it's sounds like a good story. Please update soon!
Another Lone Stranger chapter 5 . 7/22/2007
ooh how interesting hehehe. me likes, update soon!


Madame MEB chapter 5 . 7/21/2007
My sister and I have been reading this story aloud and we both enjoy it. It has a good plot and things are getting really interesting. I do notice some small misspelled words (ie: principle, when I believe you mean principal). I do hope that you update as often as you can and continue with this wonderful story. I hope everything turns out fantastic in the end.

- Mary Barnes
CHIIJOY chapter 5 . 5/12/2007
What the click? No switch backs!

LOL, I lover this story. Keep updating. :D
Olivine chapter 5 . 3/28/2007
Now, that was good. We're really getting into something great, here. And I love that the faculty doesn't care. I want to go to a school like that! And you know what I just thought of that would be a good idea? If you had the time, I mean. Youcould make a quiz type of thing and post it on your profile page, and you'd ask certain questions, and then certain answers would determine whether you'd belong in the White, Black, or Color team/group, and give a reason why. Or maybe someone else could. It just seemed like a good quizilla thing, I guess. Go to , if you have no idea what I'm talking about.

Blueberry Sparkle chapter 5 . 3/25/2007
Please update soon! I loved Kai so much! I wish I was a computer geek like him. I am technologically challenged *sigh*. Will there be Romance in this story? I really hope so!
Ravestna chapter 5 . 3/18/2007
wow this is realy good i loved itplz update soon thank u

AnswerKey chapter 5 . 3/10/2007
Very creative contract. Love the smiley face..."seal." Update soon!
ab3rcrombiegurl311 chapter 2 . 3/10/2007
IT'S GREAT i LOV it! far
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