Reviews for He Cheats on You
NiceShoesLetsFcuk chapter 1 . 11/26/2006
Very nice. Put apostrophes in your "You're" and you'll be set. But seriously? Who hasn't felt this? And who hasn't sat around staring at her dumb facebook picture and saying "He had to have been drunk."
BoMbShELL chapter 1 . 7/28/2006
This is me being blown away...

I totally know the feeling...lets just say something REALLY similar happened to me...

And it gave me a good story too...I called it "Chain of Broken Hearts"...the title speaks for itself...

And oh yeah...I just saw the title and I was drawn to it...

Great Job!~DM
BrokenandBeautiful chapter 1 . 7/13/2006
OMG! it is lyk you took the words out of my head...the ones i couldnt/wouldnt dare say! you are amazing. i have been through some thing alot like thisi have a friend who is a guy and we never bothered to label any thing isnt as severe as this but still...i cant relate...alot! you are an amazing poet i love that you can just take what you feel and write it i wish i could do that! AFLIPPINGMAZING!

keep writing!luvsme
Jenna Mann chapter 1 . 5/30/2006
You need to do some fixing up on spelling and structure (as you know), but, otherwise, it was touching, i know how this feels... after a year long relationship and an email from ... her. You also have a unique writing style, not with discriptions... but it reads like an instruction manual in some ways, sounds crazy doesn't it? Either way, good work.
bex17 chapter 1 . 5/20/2006
This was really good, really meaningful. I enjoyed it a lot, and I think you're an excellent writer! Great Job! And that guy is a dick...You don't need an ass hole like that EVER in your life. You'll find a guy who loves you for what a great person you are.

Firespirit44 chapter 1 . 4/26/2006
Cheating is such a subjective term..even lusting after another girl counts, doesn't it? Cos' that's what happened to me...

I feel ya, girl. Who needs guys, anyway? Hail Girl Power! xD
Renzie chapter 1 . 3/26/2006
I really liked this. I've never been in a relationship before, so I don't know what it's like. But I think you accheived your goal in capturing your feelings at the moment. Great job. I know things will work out for you in the end
Meg Schick chapter 1 . 3/26/2006
Nicely done, and for what it's worth, I didn't see any spelling suck, especially ones like this one. I've only had these kinds in my life too... but I don't know, I think you gotta weed through the bad to finally find the good one. It just takes a lil longer for some people (me, you... ne1 else who can relate). This story was great... I especially like the "Sometimes you cry, sometimes you smile. Because you know he at least gave you one thing. A good story." That, I thought was brilliant. And this review has gotten way too long. Overall, i love that you changed a bad experience into a great story. Nicely done. ~Meg
Mage Dudette chapter 1 . 3/26/2006
*hugs* near enough same thing happened to me; cept he didnt have the decency to tell me a) for four months or b) even face to face (email). still makes me mad. *hugs* again.. kick his shins in for me, physically or mentally.
Zannah Jacobs chapter 1 . 3/26/2006
Wow, powerful. Great ending too, it brings the whole picture together.
Falling So Softly chapter 1 . 3/26/2006
i love how you captured the essense of the cheating and what it does to you