Reviews for The Annihilation
one2345 chapter 3 . 5/7/2007
I like Salene, but iw ould like her to talk more! This is really good, please update soon!
MolestAPeanut chapter 1 . 11/20/2006
SkepticCritic chapter 4 . 9/20/2006
On Hold? I ever went back and reread chapter three so I'd remember everything and then I get to this chapter...and it says on hold..I'm so sad now...I was so excited...
Lysandra Beyla chapter 3 . 9/19/2006
no, salene isn't coming out annoying. what you might want to do is put a bit more of her thoughts, maybe? if you want to portray her character more.

the way she comes out is timid, hurt, scared, shy, and a person that keeps to themself.

i love the story.
j0zz chapter 3 . 5/28/2006
salene isnt annoying. from the way i see her, shes a quiet loving person who cant really open up to anybody yet :) cant wait for next chapter.
cucumbers chapter 3 . 4/17/2006
this is great. i love your writing style. and slaene is not annyoing, she just makes you feel kind of sorry for her and wish that her llife was easier. lovely story, update soon!
SkepticCritic chapter 3 . 4/13/2006
You know, I think I read this chapter write after I read the other one but for some reason I didn't review...So now I can't figure out what I was doing...

anyway...How cute is he...All chivalrous and everything...Who cares if it's all for the bet it's still cute...I actually know a guy named Riley who's just like that...
nautyangel chapter 3 . 4/9/2006
You need to keep your classes consistent, and i know i can't spell so don't expect me to offer much of that kind of help. Great start to your story. I'll be waiting for more.

SkepticCritic chapter 2 . 4/8/2006
I love stories with bets in them...They're always interesting..
atreyu love chapter 3 . 4/7/2006
salene is almost like my cuz... lol shes not very talkative and her mom pays more attention to her younger sis.. lol and salenes mom is a real biatch ... lol please update though cause i really like your writing!
Forget-The-Sorrow chapter 3 . 4/6/2006
I kind of like how Salene is turning out. It makes since the way she turns out.
unrequitedx chapter 3 . 4/4/2006
Woo~~ I love Salene and her family problems. . . well it's a bad thing but I'm happy how this story is plotted, xD She seems too. . . giving herself. I was a bit shocked by the fact, quiet people usually deny/object to everything, but they can always be like Salene, right? :] overall, I really liked it
Bamboti chapter 3 . 4/4/2006
yea she is annoying but only because she's so quiet. but its good like that. its a kind of annoying that u want her just to stand up for herself and she won' not too short. )

cant wait for more

Rhianika chapter 3 . 4/4/2006
Woah, I really like this. Salene reminds me of a character in an anime that I used to watch. But anyways, I really like this story. I cant wait for more, so you must update :) I like your writing style, and the story is really interesting too. Keep it up.

Keep writing

gypsylass chapter 3 . 4/4/2006
really good start! i like your characters... the only thing i have a question about is salene's first class was science, right? then why did the teacher say they were writing poems? o well, it doenst really matter. i cant wait for the next chapter!
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