Reviews for Magebound by Katica Locke: Chapter One
Fangirl No Name chapter 1 . 11/4/2014
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww must read it :o but I can't buy things online :P
Ruri Star Sykel chapter 1 . 2/13/2014
I own the book form of this story and I'm waiting for a book form of MageWise.
Sleia chapter 1 . 1/13/2012
I like this story already; it seems to be really promising, but would there happen to be an ebook version I could purchase?
TheLadyPendragon chapter 1 . 6/7/2011
I bought Magebound recently and just finished it. It was wonderful. I really enjoyed the complex system of magic you built for this world, and that you even put effort into creating separate languages, both of which impressed me. I also loved the build up of Naeven and Lark's relationship - although, to be honest, I was pulling my hair out at how frustrating and slow they were both being, but that's not really critique. In fact, I have no critique. I just wanted to sign in and tell you that I liked it, but also to ask when the sequel was coming out? I could have sworn I read somewhere that it had already been released, but Amazon contradicted me when I checked now. Oh well, I guess I'm just impatient and wanted to delve right into the next part of the adventure. I can wait (if I must). Thanks for writing a great novel. I hope the next will be a bit longer, if only because I got to the last page of Magebound and kept desiring more. )
S. J. Vanne chapter 1 . 11/18/2010
Just bought this book and can't wait to read the story again. I first read it on Yaoiville and was so captivated by it that I read it in it's entirety in one day! After that I went to read it again and it was gone! I'm so glad you managed to get it published and I wish you all the best of luck on all your work! :)
honey1112 chapter 1 . 9/19/2010
Great story!

Hey can you answser this survey, it's a research i'm working on. Thanks!
Nightingale Effect chapter 1 . 2/24/2010
I just finished reading your book ; I also just threw across the room it out of frustration at the cliff hanger (sorry…) though I laughed at myself afterward because I’ve never loved a book enough to throw it before… I’ll definitely be getting the next one. Keep up the great work!
Nezrin chapter 1 . 10/11/2009
I just bought this book and got it around 2 weeks ago, and I must say, it's really great! You don't use an ordinary writing style, and that's what makes this book so captivating. The plot has been used a few times before, but this one stands out and is definitely one of the best slash fiction around! Two thumps up!

P.S. I can't wait for the sequel! :)
CinderellaWithCombatBoots chapter 1 . 8/19/2009
It's no wonder that it was published, and I'm glad it was. It's an amazing start and drags you by the throat and pulls you a nicer way, haha. A lot of things get published when they're rather rubbish but your's was published in the best true way possible. It's good. I'd love to buy it somewhere :] You deserve everything you get. You're a talented writer and the plot is a fascinating one.
Sayden Emery chapter 1 . 8/6/2009
I am so excited to see that it will be coming out this summer, even though it will be a while. I would have really liked to go get it now! I read what you had on aff, but am eager to see the changes.

Your writing is so beautiful, and I can honestly say this is one of my very favorite things i've read. Nothing I ever find in a bookstore compares to it. I hope that many others are as eager as I am and that publishing this is a success for you.

Please, please continue to write! I will be one of the first ones to order anything you've published once it is released.
aWishThatNeverComesTrue chapter 1 . 7/5/2009
simply delightful to read ... I can actually say that I hvae nothing bad to say about this story
utterlyheartbroken chapter 1 . 4/27/2009
lovely story
deliriouseight chapter 1 . 12/22/2008
I have mixed feelings about you... I love you for writing this awesome story and I hate you for not posting it all on this site, or course I understand why but still! I am planning on reading it tho (scheming to read it is more like it... I must act swiftly and discreetly for there are parental forces that would seek to detroy me a.k.a punish me like there is no tomarrow.)
Reaper Nanashi chapter 1 . 11/30/2008
Congratulations on the novel being published! I hope you don't mind me asking in what month of 2009 Magebound is coming out?

I'm excited to read the book when it comes out, but I may have to skip some scenes that may be too mature. ;)
Subbie chapter 1 . 11/16/2008
OMG! So good!

I can't wait for that book to come out, I MUST get my hands on it!'

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