Reviews for Some Ninjas Wear Sneakers
Isa Lumitus chapter 1 . 9/24/2006
You made another good story. You seem to have a talent for action/humor.
ciardra chapter 1 . 5/9/2006
M. I wandered over from to see your lovely fiction stories. I honestly have to say, I love the ninjas. I like the story (found it amusing) and the characters. All in all, a very good story.
Nobodyx4 chapter 1 . 4/21/2006
Wow...Funny. Really funny, like I was laughing the whole the ending didn't fit. Yes, yes. It was funny, but it doesn't seem quite right.

Of course I'm not saying I could do it any better but still. I seems like you could do a bit better then a frying pan and Tomoko getting a job at Taco Bell.

And really the whole thing felt kind of smashed. Like you were rushing it along. But also I like your point because yes, she lived. Hello! How can the story be wrighting if she's dead! It's what I've been saying for years!

But anyway, to end this incessant rant it is a good and funny story. I like it.
893834723923 chapter 1 . 4/20/2006
Gah is that the end? Really, Syco, I expected a bit more from you. But ah well, expectations are for cheeky-duckies and I should learn to abandon them. Aside from the utterly anti-climactic ending to this tale, I thought it was pretty entrtaining to read (got me off Forever Night anyway). It also took me over an hour to finish, because my stupid family never leaves me alone.

So, fun blurb you've got there, and I can't wait for the next one. Well, obviously I can wait because I have to. If I truly couldn't I'd show up at your front door with dinamite and a box of matches until you wrote something worthwhile (providing I knew where you lived). So, waiting I shall do. Nice job.

This is Lehrling Nr. Drei by the way, I don't know why I didn't say that in the first place.
Jingle360 chapter 1 . 4/19/2006
Short but funny, the ending felt slightly rushed but overall it was great! 8/10
Uma Thermus chapter 1 . 4/18/2006
e! No matter how many geek points I rack up for it, I do love ninja. And I love you! So this story naturally kicks ass. If you wrote a book, I'd buy three copies. For serious ._.

Anyhoo, I also wanted to say I really laugh hard when I read all the interesting curses this gal utters. Tomoko should stop sneaking up on her, silly ninja mentality. The ease with which she comes to except the ninja element is really great. What a cool story, happy to see an original from you!
WolfstarRazze chapter 1 . 4/15/2006
Hilarious! Hah hah, I think I just found a new favorite author on fictionpress!