Reviews for Gone With A BANG
Eithne chapter 2 . 4/23/2006
O'liva uiy...O'liva thos stiru...Uiy hed ti pyt on uiyr ento-smikaong massaga dodn't uiyTupocel KT...end whets November's Forst nema... uiy cen tall ma...O'll kaap ot e'sacrat...O'swaer...Uiy geva Bastian Haedechas...Demn tupaong loka thos govas ma e' piir haed...O'live thos stiru... Ypdeta siin, end heva e'heppu deu (thos lengyega liiks loke spenosh ir Franch ti ma .
Prisoner-11 chapter 2 . 4/22/2006
Poor Autum! T.T I can't wait for the next installment! I was born in November
S McCall chapter 2 . 4/22/2006
Another great chapter. The magic stuff is a lot clearer now. I'm still loving Autumn, he's so intriguing. Yet again, I'm looking forward, with great anticipation, to the next update.
Rachelmorph chapter 2 . 4/22/2006
Very interesting. A bit harder to keep track of then your other stories, but I still like it quite a lot. _
Silent-violin chapter 1 . 4/14/2006
I hope you do continue it, I really like how you came up with the certain titles and putting them in with peoples names. _
S McCall chapter 1 . 4/13/2006
Jeesh, you’re so cruel. Every time I read any part of one of your stories I decide that it’s my favorite, even this one, and there’s only one chapter! The only complaint I have is that the description of the magic/ technology stuff was a bit hard to follow. However, many authors have trouble with explaining the magic systems in their worlds and I don’t think it’s a huge issue as long as you don’t get too involved in the technicalities of MT um… spell casting, if you continue the story that is (which I REALLY hope you do). I would say that the writing is “up to par” although, there is a definite difference. So far this one seems a bit more serious than _Charms and Curses_ or _Not Always What They Seem_. Not that those two aren’t serious, because they are, it’s just that they’re also more fairytailish. I don’t particularly prefer one style or the other, but some of your readers may. Also, I had to read the chapter in two sessions (before and after Russian Politics… ugh) so I may have missed some stuff. Anyway, I really enjoyed it! I have a special affection for tormented and reluctant heroes and Autumn seems like he has the potential to be my favorite of your characters which is a really exciting thing for me because, even if you don’t finish the story, you’ve given me a chance to “meet” a very interesting and intriguing character. So, thanks! Er… sorry for the length of this comment; I look forward to your next update (for any of your stories, I enjoy them all)!
xanthofile chapter 1 . 4/13/2006
oh yes, find the motivation to finish this! if only so that i, and i alone, can read it. (kidding, yes)

but seriously, i love the atmoshpere and environtment you were able to create within this! if only there were more...*hint hint*
Prisoner-11 chapter 1 . 4/13/2006
0.o interesting, I hope you decide to continue!
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