Reviews for Bloody Mary
Ggggirl chapter 4 . 10/20/2016
Pleaseee updateeeee
whatdotheydream chapter 4 . 12/18/2012
She has won but she has lost. How sad.
Zoe Marhassa chapter 1 . 11/7/2009
I love this concept. I, personally, have always liked Bloody Mary the best, even if everyone called her all those...things. She was the victim, in retrospect, but she still got the crown, right?
Maida chapter 3 . 7/24/2009
One more thing, have you ever read "The Queen's Fool" by Philippa Gregory, I think you'd like it, she writes incredible historical novels, and there are a few more from the Tudor times by her.
Maida chapter 4 . 7/24/2009
What a wonderful, well written story. Mary Tudor has always fascinated me, and I'm happy to see such a well thought out, and definitely excellently researched, so good job.

By the way, you're right to spell Katherine with a 'K'. That's how it was generally spelled back then, though spelling was of course not set like today. I believe that on Katherine of Aragons tomb, her name is spelled 'Katharine'.
Dymphna Brigid chapter 4 . 2/20/2009
This is an amazing story. You are right, very rarely does one hear it from Mary's point of view. I do not believe history has done her justice in naming her 'Bloody Mary.'
Rose Valentine chapter 4 . 8/24/2007
I feel sorry for both Mary and Elizabeth - I like where this is going...the author's cruelty, the reader's sympathy - that technique applies well to award-winning stories!

The genre of this may be Historical/Drama, I suggest.
Rose Valentine chapter 3 . 8/24/2007
I am a fan of the Tudors myself - God, why does Mary have to be bitterly shunned? Good story! I like where the plot is going.
Marine Wifey chapter 4 . 2/12/2007
A bittersweet victory indeed. Very good job. I love this, please keep it up!

~Sarah's State of Grace~
Nicci chapter 4 . 11/24/2006
An interesting take on a sad story. It really is sad what Henry did to his family, and while I don't really agree with how you potrayed Mary, it was very well-written and intersting story!
Nicci chapter 1 . 11/24/2006
Interesting take on Mary, and it's very well-written! I've never particularly liked her, but oh well.
mad about books chapter 4 . 7/29/2006
(Sigh!) A wonderful piece about Mary, who is often overlooked in favor for Elizabeth..

You write well..Keep it up!
cuddle pup chapter 4 . 7/26/2006
This was quite good. My own favorite figure was always Mary, Queen of Scots.-K
Lulian chapter 4 . 7/22/2006
oh wow, this is good... i saw that you said you weren't continuing it, and i was a bit disappointed. I really wanted to read about Mary... the title caught my interest... xD i read a book on queen anne, but i don't remember the author's name. It was called "Doomed Queen Anne" and then i read "Beware, Princess Elizabeth" by the same author, and i've been dying to read "Bloody Mary" but i could never find it. I want to read the nine day queen and the book about king henry. I never thought i could be this interested in history. heh, well, this is really good, and i'd love if you continued it sooner or later... preferably sooner, but... yeah.. )i love the story.
highly-kissable chapter 4 . 7/19/2006
aww so sad its nice to see a story where Mary isnt the villian
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