Reviews for Crossing Roads
MissNutella chapter 1 . 7/10/2013
AsSalam Alaikum, I'm a muslim female teenager at the age of turning 15 this week on Sunday the 14th (: I have a crush on a Christian, and he doesn't know I'm muslim. I'm worried he'll never like me when I get older and wear hijab for Allah and cleanseness. :(
Random reviewer chapter 10 . 3/31/2013
I know it's been like... Five years since you updated but can you please finish the story off? I need some closure! :D
OPatron chapter 10 . 8/4/2012
Holy Holy Holy Holy. This is super good. I see you haven't updated since '07 but can you please continue? I'm seriously in love with this.
ForeignMusicLyrics chapter 2 . 10/31/2011
Haha cute:) jamie sort of annoys me... But I know she means well:)
ForeignMusicLyrics chapter 1 . 10/31/2011
Funny, Andy reminds me of me a little. My best friend since I was 3 is Muslim. Her family is Syrian. I never really knew what it meant to be Muslim. She always fasted during Ramadan, and I always felt guilty for eating infront of her... Recently I've been going over to her house more and her entire family speaks Arabic, and it's so funny when they yell at each other... Anyways, I've picked up on some thongs:) also my uncle married a Lebanese woman so half my family speaks Arabic as well;) I was so proud that I understood what Maya said in this haha:) sort u probably didn't want to hear my life's story:P
OutOfMyMind 1993 chapter 1 . 9/5/2011
My immediate response is to ask you to PLEASE continue despite a high probability of a close to nil chance of you continuing it.
notyoursoulsister chapter 10 . 3/10/2010
dudette, i am in love with this story. It's such a sweet story and I can relate to it so much, being Muslim myself (and constantly having the face of this Christian boy at the back of my head). It would be absolutely lovely if you continue on this story.

I'll be waiting!

Good job!
iman1234 chapter 9 . 9/13/2009
update soon
PicturePurrfect chapter 10 . 5/16/2009
I have this story on my favourites for a while but never reviewed and i am just waiting for you to update. I really like this story and wonder how things are going end up. I like this story because you portray a real muslim girl while some other stories may be good, just makes me feel that they could do anything they wanted and being a muslim was just a title. I can't wait til you update. Can you please update soon?
DarkCougar555 chapter 1 . 4/17/2009
Since I am a Christian, I do think this story is very fantastic story! It made me sad that you don't update any more chapters in a while. :( I hope you come back and complete that story! :D

I just add your story to alert list, so I keep some hope for your return. :)

xha chapter 10 . 4/5/2009

i love this story..much..much..

but its been a long time..

i'm still patient on waiting on the next chapter..

please do update..

because this is suppha interesting you know..

. ..

i'll be waiting...
axiden chapter 5 . 3/13/2009
aren't you going to update this again?
asianprincess101 chapter 10 . 12/18/2008
~!lyk omg i learned a big lesson i cant hug dudes dats iz so wrong no wonder my frenz tell me muslim iz the religious religion (did dat make sense?) i mean im frenz wid tons of dude it unfair i need a glove 2 shake their hand now i need a full safety suit just 2 hug dem ok im pissed but about da book it waz awesome i mean so intense the hug the love u have got 2 be kidding me its so dramatic well dats my revview bye!~
asianprincess101 chapter 8 . 12/18/2008
dis chappie 2 shortie!
asianprincess101 chapter 7 . 12/18/2008
~!omg i have been reading this story 4 a long time now and it iz awesome! double thumbs up for the writer!~
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