Reviews for Treacherous Games with the Male Ego
eiyuang999 chapter 1 . 5/24/2010
hi !

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Eclipsia Soulbird chapter 1 . 5/16/2008
(insert maniacal laughter)


A.) I'm reviewing and you can't stop me.

B.) The interaction between Rachel and Chris.

C.) I like to laugh... maniacally.
Satyrica chapter 1 . 6/17/2007
very nice! i read the original and liked it, and this is even better! god, i so remember ken - is it going to be the same storyline? oh, and i also like the changes to rachel - it never bothered me in the original version, but reading this, it seems right that she be a bit more tough and crude, after all that's happened. please keep writing - well, rewriting :)
Skeeter the Groundhog chapter 3 . 6/12/2007
that was a fun chapter. i'm so terribly envious of rachel. she makes me want to grow a backbone and be a rebel... or something mildly interesting like that. i can't wait until you update again!

-Skeeter the Groundhog
urjellingcauseimevil chapter 3 . 6/12/2007
AH i need UPDATES! *collapes in misery*

yonderwindow chapter 3 . 6/10/2007
i love it. pleasee updatesoon!
Randomisation chapter 3 . 6/9/2007
soo glad u updated! really gr8 story! please continue!
Essevera chapter 3 . 6/8/2007
Okay, good relief to find your story. The other ones I liked but it was a disappointment after awhile. they're Filipino?

Just a question.

(New reviewer if you missed it.)
pinkfairydust chapter 2 . 6/1/2007
pleeaasse update!

its so good!

maybe do the next one from another persons POV...

i dunno but pls update!
Sarah D. F. Wall chapter 2 . 5/23/2007
:D I really liked this story. Nicely written; very...good? Sorry, I'm at a loss for adjectives. :p
insane in the brain chapter 2 . 5/3/2007
I like the fact that she's not overly aggressive and still 'nice' enough to help others in need.
K.B. Hanna chapter 2 . 4/15/2007
I never read the first verision of TGME, but from what I've read so far of this one, it's pretty good.

I like Rachael's sassy, don't mess with me attitude. I get tired of whiny girls. The only thing I'm not quite sure on is the flashback scenes in the beginning.

I'm taking it that Rachael was verbally/emotionally abused, but I don't think you did a good enough job portraying that. The abuse scene you wrote seems rather played out on fictionpress.

It's always the male calling the female a whore, bitch, pathetic, whatever. When in reality, from what I've witnessed, they usually play more on a different scale. They use a form of almost brainwashing the people.

I think, that even though the mother didn't seem like it, she almost reminds me of another emotional abuser eventhough she's part of the abused.

Anyway, I need to go and do some cleaning, or I'd give you a longer review. Just wondering, did you send me the next chapter of DD, or are you still editing it? Because if you're done, I didn't get it yet.
atreyu love chapter 2 . 4/1/2007
Grah! more! please? lol update!
HawkDancer chapter 2 . 3/10/2007
I like this story. Rachel has a strong personality. This part of the story confused me a bit, though: the girl said in her hands said.

Update soon!

Happy writing!

Guest chapter 2 . 3/10/2007
m you really like to rewrite your stories, don't you? This version seems to have a lot more angst than the first one.
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