Reviews for The Faster You Fall |
shirsong chapter 30 . 5/27/2017 Thank you for the ending! I am actually glad that Dave and Nicki aren't together... Hate me, but I think your first relationship in 16 isn't suppose to be your last. |
HIVENET chapter 14 . 12/12/2015 "What do you think Nick" I think that Nick should've told Cokey about the pedophile trying to ruin his life? This is kind of serious... Like I get that you're having a gay crisis Nick but THERE'S A PEDO OUT FOR YOUR LIVELIHOOD. There's a reason that losers like Dave can't get dates with people their own age! Just because he's hot doesn't mean he isn't 'the adult' in the situation; he never should've pursued you in the first place, even if you 'gave off flirting vibes' or whatever. |
semantics chapter 30 . 4/29/2015 Sita, you are an amazing writer, period. This is a wonderful piece of work, and when I read author notes of how old you were when you wrote this, it just blows my mind. Your maturity and intellect was way beyond your years, and I mean it in the highest regard. I hope to read more of your works soon! I love this story and the whole arc. Thank you for finishing this! It was an awesome read... Heartwarming and bittersweet and racy all at once. You pulled it off extremely well. Great job. |
Jacks Ace chapter 1 . 9/11/2014 XD hahaha good start, good start. I like this already :D |
Jake chapter 30 . 5/1/2014 you likely haven't been on this site in years. after having stumbling across your story I am extremely bothered by how it all turned out. feel like I've wasted my time. but whatever...thanks for the entertainment anyway. bad ending though boo! |
Michael Storm chapter 30 . 4/11/2014 You. Are. A. Horrible. Person. I hate you so much. I love the story, but hate the ending with a passion! Can I murder you to make me feel better? Just kidding. Great and amazing story though! |
rAiNwAtEr1 chapter 30 . 3/8/2014 Bitter sweet but I loved it. Thank you for sharing! |
ajashire1 chapter 30 . 2/4/2014 Your story made me laugh so much and I loved it I truly did. :) |
Krimsyn chapter 30 . 1/21/2014 I'm kinda sad that they didn't work out, they were really cute together :( I noticed the sequel isn't completed yet, are you planning to finish it? |
Guest chapter 30 . 1/11/2014 Oh my God Oh my God Oh my God Oh my God! Do you even know how much your story messed with me?! This is so fucking good! Fuck, God, Oh my! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR WRITING THIS. Im totally freaking out right now! I can not believe it is over! Im on the verge of tears here! And Dave! Why! Dear writer!? Why. Bskjrghksjdvbksdjfnjskdgw Just know you kept my sleep hostage for six hours and it was so worth it. |
LazyToLog chapter 30 . 5/22/2013 But but but! Dave and Nicky! OTP! D: Noo! Oh well, an interesting twist anyway... -Ella;$ (Raven Ella Black from fanfiction) |
crimson earth chapter 8 . 3/28/2013 omg nickys parents are such dislikable characters! i want to slap kay for being such a cold hearted bitch. nicky seems to be having a normal 16 year old reaction to what his parents are putting him through ,and then he is blamed for being angry! Somthing isnt adding up when trying to understand the famillial dynamics. its not realistic. maybe i am to much of a optamist (or pych geek) to wrap my head around around this story. im going to give it one more chapter. |
Guest chapter 30 . 2/10/2013 Why the hell would you do that?! Don't you believe in true love! God can't I even read it in stories now?! Where the hell else am I meant to find it?! But hater, until the last 2 chapters I loved it. |
Riot chapter 24 . 1/2/2013 This. I can't stop laughing. These moments are just... this is hilarious. |
SomeSeriesOfLettersAndNumbers chapter 30 . 12/15/2012 -cry cry cry cry- BUT NICKY AND DAVE. THEY WERE SO PERFECT. WHYYYY. Despite my utter despair, I did really like how you did this. A sadly happy ending. Those are always pretty nice. I just wish that they hadn't broken up. I really was almost going to cry. Damn. XD Nathan 3 |