Reviews for A Vampire's Pet
bigvamplover chapter 16 . 6/22/2020
can't wait for the next chapter!
Fangrl1111 chapter 16 . 8/16/2012
Dalek17 chapter 16 . 6/19/2010
This story really sucked me in, just amazing... can't wait for more chapters.
Whyler chapter 16 . 1/13/2009
Hi! Please continue your story! It's extraordinarily good, and I would like to see it finished :)


im.a.werewolf.rawr chapter 14 . 12/20/2008
no! he can't be dead! T-T
im.a.werewolf.rawr chapter 2 . 12/20/2008
woah... i was so excited, i didn't even see the rest of the chapters... yeah, it's kinda late...
im.a.werewolf.rawr chapter 1 . 12/20/2008
dude, you really need to finish this!
angelwolfyuki chapter 16 . 12/20/2008
Oh. My. Goddess.

That was the absolute BEST story i think i hve read in days! The love hate relationship they hve is REALLY great. And i have to say, they are getting really...CLOSE to each other (in you know what i mean..). XP

But stuff like loving each other one minute then him having to leave the next is Always a great suspense! I LUV IT!

I am looking forfard to the next chapter. Please! pleasepleasepleaseplease... Update Soon!

Luv Ya!

~Lyssa~ (angelwolfyuki)
Dragonanzar chapter 16 . 12/20/2008
aww. i'm/she is/ you are, whatever pronoun i should use in a review on a story in the second person, so stupid! i have so many different thoughts running through my head at the moment, but i can't write them down. fustrating chapter. please update soon!
ILuvBookz chapter 10 . 12/19/2008
i think it would be better if you used third-person narration instea of secon-peron narration. you aare using the wod "you" to much an after a while it gets repetative and makes the story somewhat boring. But i like the storyline itself. :-D
Has A WaywithWords chapter 16 . 12/19/2008
This chapter was sad... I don't want Tallor to leave. Haha, good chapter and Yay! You updated sooner! and update soon!
Dragonanzar chapter 15 . 12/8/2008
aww. poor me/you, whatever. fun. i now know what person you're writing in. funny, i always thought of first person as the sort of diary thing, i etc, second person as the he/she variety but hearing the people's thoughts, and third person as being the objective narator. now i know it's not exactly like that. long time no update, but still as good as ever. please update soon!
Has A WaywithWords chapter 15 . 12/7/2008
FINALLY! It has been SO long since you last updated! Great chappie though, hope you update soon again!
Helen Bache chapter 14 . 7/23/2008
LOL when you call it AVP i think of Alien . wonderful story. cant wait for the rest!
Jass chapter 14 . 7/23/2008
Hey Lissa,

this is ur #1 fan , lol

i love this story so much well i'll be honest Im new on fictionpress and yours is the first horror story i read and i just couldnt stop!

i was supposed to do my chores but i couldnt do anything but sit mesmorised and read on I'VE FINISHED ALREADY!

im so sad, please write more I know ur dissapointing a lot of people.

Everyone deserves more than a mediocre stories & THIS WAS THE ABSOLUTE BEST! i was like one with the story and now that i've finished reading it im upset [

please write more!

oh and i have no comments on how u could make it better, because i think its perfect already!

I'll wait for more chapters,

Your loyal fan,

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