Reviews for Counting Chickens
bloopeebloop chapter 9 . 7/10/2008
Trust me.

This story is beautiful and will always be as long as you keep writing. Actually, even when you're done with it, I believe it will still be beautiful.

That's how great it is.
Veronica Kimble chapter 9 . 7/9/2008
i really love it! keep writng!
A.J Scarlet chapter 3 . 7/8/2008
Sucks I only managed to stuff 3 chapters. I seriously LOVE this, and I never say I love something...ever (sad ain't it?). I'm not usually the one to go for romance stories but I like this one since it's pretty close to me (scary how close it is really). I just managed to look it up through a friend and boy she was right. You're story rocks dude! But now I have summer vacation and I want to catch up on ALL the sleep I missed during the school year so...yep I love it and I shall continue 'till the very end...tomorrow ;3
Veronica Kimble chapter 5 . 7/7/2008
i'll have to read the rest later, but its really really really good so far!

and btw,

can you really get THAT sick? i mean, your making them seem like they're dying and they just have a fever.

but i love the story line and everything. ]
Veronica Kimble chapter 2 . 7/7/2008
aw. i love the notes. i actually started a note thing in my math class with this random guy i dont know. we put it under the chairs ]
Celestial Songbird chapter 9 . 7/5/2008
Wow, this is a fantastic story! It's very well written with regards to dialogue and characterization. I really feel that I can relate and identify with your characters- especially Mimi because I'm hopelessly romantic myself. I was flipping out because she sounded just me- only more interesting. ;) I also love how you torture her by putting her in terribly awkward social situations (like the "WHERE ARE MY PANTIES?" incident). I sincerely, sincerely hope that you continue this story. There are so many ways that you can take it and continue show Mimi coming into herself and (hopefully) finding whatever it is your intention for her to discover (that true love exists, that you can find love in the most unexpected place...etc. whatever the goal is for this particular story)...Well, that and I really want to know the ending. This is a great story in it's own right, and now I plan to look into your other work as well.

Anxiously awaiting the next update! ;) ~Celestial Songbird
a beginner chapter 9 . 7/4/2008
this is amazing, i mean it... i hope u will keep updating... keep rocking on FP always... :)
b41siz2678 chapter 9 . 7/1/2008
I really liked this. If I find the time, I'll get around to reviewing the other chapters, as well.

It's too bad you've begun to feel that way about this story; of course, as a first-time reader, I'm not exactly lacking in zeal for it XD

Good luck, hope to see more soon!
Fresh Harvest chapter 9 . 6/28/2008
I actually really liked this chapter and thought you did a good job of staying in Mimi's voice, and I'm sad that it was so hard for you! But I do hope you'll finish this, because I really like it. But, at the same time, no pressure-you're the author, after all.

Oh man, I totally did not see the family accidents happening with Mimi, Lily, and their mom. Scary! But somehow you still made a lot of it funny, oh boy. :P

I really appreciate Kevin as a friend, and the fact that you didn't make him the stereotypical gay guy. That sounds bad, but I'm not sure if you know what I mean-like in a lot of FP romance stories, the female protagonist always has this gay guy friend who helps her with everything and is very flamboyant and stereotypical. I don't know. I'm glad that Mimi's guy friend isn't just another person in a mold, and I really like learning about him.

I still love Robin Roe a lot, but man, somehow you managed to get me to like Seth more in the space of just one chapter. And that is REALLY not easy to do with me, haha. (When I watched Enchanted the first time, the ending really disappointed me.) Because I love Robin Roe, and how he's so good and he's so kind and reaches out to everybody and everything, but I love how Seth is so down-to-earth and approachable. Mimi is still as funny and adorable as always, haha.

I hope you'll update sometime soon! :o Have a great day. :D
Fresh Harvest chapter 8 . 6/28/2008
Hey! :) I'm sorry I haven't reviewed in a while, it's been pretty busy offline and I haven't had the chance to read a lot of FP stories.

But aww, this chapter was really cute! :) And I can relate to how Mimi feels about relating more easily to adults, since there's no fear of judgment.

I think Mimi and Seth would be great friends. I like Seth a lot! Indescribably I like Robin Roe more, but I think it's because he was introduced first. I like the idea of first love. :)

Aww, Kevin is so cute, haha. It's always good to have a guy friend like that. :)

That bit with Mimi and Robin was very cute, as was the bit with Mimi and the duckling. Mimi makes me laugh so much, and I love how she's awkward but still very lovable.

I wish so much that the last part was from Robin's point of view, but the second paragraph makes me think it was Seth, even though the second to last part makes me think of Robin.

On to the next one. :) Have a great day!
Efreisone chapter 9 . 6/27/2008
Robin didn't get her the Mountain Dew. It's simply not meant to be.

My bet is officially for Seth!

I'd like to think that the silly part is the beautiful part. Keep going, and it'll come to you.
rainbabie chapter 2 . 6/26/2008
Ha ha ha! Hilarious how Robin was pants. I now have a stupid grin on my face. Ha ha ha...

BTW, the last sentence is my motto in life. My credit card and bank statements will attest to it!

Shopping CURES everything...
Silly Little Storywriter chapter 9 . 6/24/2008
Hm, you're not giving us any hints are you?

Ek, I hate suspense and surprises. I hate not knowing!

Mimi is the coolest, and I almost wish I could be as awesome as her.

Great story! (and I still prefer Robin Roe)

Silly Little Storywriter chapter 5 . 6/24/2008
Ok, so I haven't got to the latest chapter yet (though I fully intend to), but I just wanted to say that I hope Robin Roe is the mystery guy. Because Robin Roe is the most awesome name ever.

Ok, gonna finish reading now.
Secretsecret chapter 9 . 6/23/2008
I'm pretty sure it's Seth writing all those notes. He seems more deep than Robert anyways.
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