Reviews for Counting Chickens
smile at the sun chapter 12 . 9/3/2009
great chapter. Robin is lovely and all- but I love Seth and his 'helping' and honesty and Mimi and his friendship together. and that he brought her underwear over. and I loved that she jumped in after Duck, and that the women all found something for her to wear... even if that lace thong didn't sound comfortable at all. please update soon.
FizzyLizzy chapter 12 . 9/3/2009
You're writing is marvelous. I love Mimi's analogies; they never fail to make me laugh out loud. Once again, I must point out that I am still torn between Seth and Robin. But I think a secret part of me wants Seth and Mimi to stay friends. I love Seth and all, but they have such a beautiful friendship, that if they become bf/gf, it'll ruin that sweetness of it. I hope you understand what I'm trying to say... I think that's the reason why I'm not throwing myself at the screen, screaming "MIMI, YOU IDIOT! SETH IS MEANT FOR YOU!"

Hm. The more I think about it... the more I agree with that secret (not anymore, hey?) part of me. Again, I'd like to point out how gorgeously you have created Seth and Mimi's friendship; so much so, that I know I'll be a bit (or maybe more) disappointed if they end up together. And as cool as Seth is, Robin is too wonderful to be thrown aside like that.

But the way you're setting this story up, I have a strong feeling that Mimi and Seth will be tied together... :/

Anyhow, wonderful, wonderful story. I almost crapped my pants when I saw the email notification that you had updated this story. I'd only wish that you'd update faster. nudge nudge.
Forbidden Smiles chapter 12 . 9/2/2009
Ah, as always, I love every update of yours. )

It was to be expected that Seth would bring the underwear to her. However, I just want to clarify...Was the underwear her dirty pair from the water? And she never told him how it happened!

I'm going to go reread some old chapters now. :]
hydrocancellation chapter 1 . 8/29/2009
I like the part where you talked about how much your character likes Rapunzel but I didn't know that Rapunzel cried tears of love that healed the prince from his blindness? I think I'll need to watch Rapunzel again. Actually my favourite was Mulan. Haha. Anyway, love your first chapter-especially the title of it. ;) I think I'll never be better even when I'm old-okay, maybe not THAT old but still, old enough to give up on Fairytales by now. Okay, I'm going to continue reading. So, later. :D
JanineintheHouse chapter 1 . 8/25/2009
Wow! this is awesome! and hilarious,

my friend told me to read this so I made a fictionpress account, so I could review it aswell xD

Because that is what I do,

once I have read further into this story you will realize that my reviews contain alot of this:


:D just a warning,
Romance-Sword chapter 11 . 8/22/2009


I just had a fit! A friken freak out, i dont know if my heart can take this, SELF COMBUSTING HERE!

What an AWSOME! Story, Love it, Love the characters, FRIKEN LOVE YOUR WRITING!

You are Amazing, dont ever forget it.

Finish this story, write a million more, become an author, publish books and make a million tragicly romantic teenage girls DIE when there hearts self combust like you just did to me.

I AM IN LOVE WITH this story and some of your quotes are just AMAZING!

I am gonna practice to write like you ;)

I really enjoyed it, having a ball!

I LOVE SETH! She is SO gonna end up with him, AH!

GO GET THE GIRL YOU IDIOT! And that DAM Kevin BETTER wake up to Jess!


Thanks for giving the hopless romantic inside of me something to drool over!



Thanks again, so much!

Putting time into bringing joy to people like me, its just awsome.

Anonymous chapter 11 . 8/20/2009
Absolutely amazing how you put words of your thoughts and ideas come across so real and even some of the subtleties of life seem even more profound after reading these things that I've thought and written in my own introspective state. Well done.
renegade01 chapter 11 . 8/4/2009
Aw. Its kinda cute and sad at the same time. I think I like Robin more than Robin based on anyone you know?

Anyway, can't wait to read more. I don't mind long intervals between updates- just so long as there ARE updates... ;)
mistariapotter chapter 11 . 8/1/2009
Aw, i was hoping itd be seth. Lovely fic though!
elsie lore chapter 11 . 7/30/2009
I love this story- you have such a clever, witty way of writing. I can't wait for the next chapter!
Selenity Moon chapter 11 . 7/22/2009
"He’s looking at a spot somewhere beyond my left shoulder, and there’s something awful in his eyes. "

Somehow, or maybe I'm just overanalzying this way too much, but I feel like there's more on that. Maybe Seth got dump?

Well, Mimi and Robin are together and doesn't feel right. Maybe because there were so much interactions between Seth and Mimi...

Hope you'll update soon.
i love shakespeare chapter 11 . 7/22/2009
Jada Writes chapter 11 . 7/20/2009
Great chapter! I KNEW it was Robin, haha. I guess the other guy is Seth. I'm a little disappointed with the fact that it seems like Robin has asked Mimi to be his girlfriend without even a date or two. They barely know each other! Shouldn't they get to know each other first before becoming exclusive?

Looking forward to the next chapter!
gatsby chapter 11 . 7/20/2009
OMG you need to finish this! i can't stand the wait! gah! please!

on a different note, i really like your writing style. it's funny and serious and i really like it. you are one of my favorite authors on this site. actually i think the second story i read on here was one of yours and that was like 3 or 4 years ago and you are still my favorite. so, pwese finish it? *puppy dog eyes*
Eefs chapter 11 . 7/18/2009
OMGOMGOMGOMG i hope its Seth. And I just realised that Mimi's little sister's name is Lily Lillum and I was thoroughly amused. Loved it and I can't wait for the next one!
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