Reviews for Romancing Nadia
CrazyCowgirl101 chapter 21 . 11/25/2011
This story is sO good! I feel like it's easy to relate to the characters, and understand the hardships they're facing :) Great jOb! Update soon so Nadia can forgive Dean already :) although I do feel like Zach may have done something else to Nadia that she hasn't mentioned yet?

Good job!
DorkExpress chapter 21 . 11/3/2011
Wow... now that was quite a chapter... that fugly Christy and that fumbbling fool Dustin! Ugh. They need to get their asses whooped on! And Jeremy just men Vi? Well... I rhink Blake has another match he has to make... and I can't beloeve he likes Deans sister... I mean, it's only been a few days? Weeks the most right? Anyway, I think her dad is changing, I'm glad for that.

Post up soon, please?

pandakim chapter 21 . 10/22/2011
omg! noooo! it can't b over...! soo good
sdyedanney chapter 21 . 7/6/2010
hey there! just came across your fic. im loving it and when it came to the last part you kept us hanging! and i think it's discontinued? so dissappointed... hope you continue this fic... can't wait to read wahat will happen next...
Bubbly Girl chapter 21 . 5/1/2010
Hi! I really think that this story has a lot of potential and I just wanted to tell you that! :) PLEASE update soon for mysake and for the sakeof all of youe readers! :)

Peace, Love and Happiness! :)

~Bubbly Girl
anonymous8D chapter 9 . 1/30/2010
I just started reading this story yesterday and I'm already HOOKED!

Just wanted to let you know. ; )
Ederra chapter 21 . 1/25/2010
*Sigh* I can't believe Christy and Dunstan are trying to break them up...

It's a great fic though. Great charcters, nice plot and a good old bitch - in which case is Christy. Every story needs one, the readers need to hate someone...

Update soon~!
Vividus chapter 21 . 6/30/2009
Fantastic! I mean, the characters are sort of natural and the conversation doesn't seem forced or anything. It's good. :)
53BookTitles chapter 21 . 3/24/2009
You can't stop the story now!


miles xx
shredding-fire chapter 21 . 3/20/2009
this is a really good story- please dont abandon it!
XxdaniellaxX chapter 4 . 2/20/2009
be mine that is so cute!
VampiressAJ chapter 21 . 1/21/2009
I started reading this 3 days ago. damn my sickness for not letting me finish it in a day. I absolutly love this story. Im adding it to my faves and alerts. Update soon. oh and Christy and dunston are buttheads you should kill them off or sumthing. lol :)
Erica71167 chapter 20 . 1/21/2009
Great story! I pretty much hate Christy. Someone should kick her butt. Can't wait to read the next chapter.
pinkeclipse chapter 21 . 1/20/2009
will her father begin to actually care...thanks!
Kaitlyn.Marie chapter 21 . 1/20/2009
omg, you can't stop there! hi new reader, and i've been trying to catch up for a couple of sh!tty days now, BUT YOU CAN'T STOP THERE!

they're supposed to live happily ever after with the little puppy and a baby, and a house with a white fence! not break up!

"grr!" on you! *blows raspberry* you had so better post more soon!

~Katie (PS, review mine, please?)
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