Reviews for Hard Candy
princhi1 chapter 1 . 12/18/2008
Aww, poor Modest...

Haha. He's real cute though.
Would not Could not in a Box chapter 32 . 11/5/2008
just reread the story and realized that I didn't submit a review the first time around... This piece is truly unique and intriguing, I was admittedly pretty skeptical on the get-go but plowing on proved worth it. anyways I mostly reviewed for the sake of tipping my proverbial hat to an excellent work of art.

Also, in lieu of your "favorites" list, I read some truly mind-blowing writing by "Damned Soul of Chaos" and I may very well go kill myself now.

More fittingly, her.

Words can scarcely express my gratitude for the educational exposure to Darwinism at its finest
werrttyrv78987 chapter 33 . 10/14/2008
the story is really nice but i just cant help but feel that nikolia doesnt deserve desya and i really wish desya should have left him because he just saw someone who said he loved him call him a rug and he still/and always will date other people he shoudnt have to go through that
narcissistic chapter 33 . 8/30/2008
I cant find the joint account like everytime i search for it it doesnt come up...
narcissistic chapter 32 . 8/30/2008
YAY revenge really is sweet.

That was like seriously like the part of the movie where the main character kills off everyone who does him wrong and you just cheer him on and forget all the bad shit he went through!
narcissistic chapter 31 . 8/30/2008

thats like sucks majorly. i liked him too.
narcissistic chapter 30 . 8/30/2008
Ah does Kostya feel guilty? Jeez just when things go right Nikolai happens.
narcissistic chapter 29 . 8/30/2008
Well it's a little late for Nikolai to think that he loves Desya...

There is seriously more people harming their loved ones than enemies harming enemies...
narcissistic chapter 28 . 8/30/2008
I like Leone...hahaha. He made business cards for a hit man...How much cooler can you get?
narcissistic chapter 27 . 8/30/2008
Haha Isaak is usefull somtimes.
narcissistic chapter 26 . 8/30/2008
God why does Nikolai have to be such a jerk to Desya...and seriously Sevastyan isnt helping any.

haha i remembered how to spell his name!
narcissistic chapter 25 . 8/30/2008
Huh what a small world...Kazu or whatever his name is. Is the guy that was Sasha's father and he stole Desya's mother...
narcissistic chapter 24 . 8/30/2008
Poor Nikolai's dad...i forgot how to spell his name and i dont want to butcher it...
narcissistic chapter 23 . 8/30/2008
NO i hopw you dont kill Konstantin off...

so it was the Yakuza that offed Desya's father and kidnapped his mother.
narcissistic chapter 22 . 8/30/2008
wow i actually kinda like her...but i dont understand why they've decided that they dont like Nikolai? Is it because they feel he would be a bad Mob Boss.
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