Reviews for The Paper Crown
thestoicwarrior chapter 9 . 5/28/2009
:( I am sad you are not continuing this one.

although, I have to admit I like the style of the first one better-mostly just the first person writing.

insights on lissandra always made me giggle

I do like the paper crown metaphor. I don't know if that was going to turn into some plot device in the end, but I like the idea of the crown being disposable and almost worthless compared to gold.

you are a very talented writer.

AlijaS117 chapter 3 . 12/2/2008
really good story! hope you update soon
chocaholic92 chapter 9 . 1/6/2008
this is a great looks like you haven't updated in awhile though. Please update! I really enjoyed Double-Edged Swords and this is looking good too, so far. thanks!
BloodStainedPetals chapter 9 . 10/9/2007
"And, ah, he is bringing your parents." Love that!

Lovely posts! Please post soon!

Lirienne chapter 9 . 9/11/2007
Are you ever going to update again? I really miss your story!
Saroo chapter 8 . 7/3/2007
Hey! I just remembered to say that I've done some fanfiction for "Swords" that I'll post as soon as I've got 'em scanned. You've done an amazing job with these two stories!
Saroo chapter 9 . 7/3/2007
Hey! Just forget to mention that I've sketched some fanart that I'll post up as soon as I can upload it on my scanner.

Update soon!
Saroo chapter 9 . 7/2/2007
Hey! I've just finished reading "Sword" and I finished all you've written in "The Paper Crown" up-to-date.

They. are . amazing.

Definitely better than what I usually expect out of fictionpress material. Other than "Queen of Glass" this is the best stuff out there!

My only complaints is the shortening of Liss' POV, since she's such an awesome character. And I'd love a little romance between Flin and Liss... mostly just some sort of sign from Flin though, his inscrutibility is becoming downright frustrating after reading into the sequel and he's still not making any moves... which is also depressing because any move he might make will probably be lessened by the budding relationship between Nicar and Selena... which is annoying because there's been a whole book about the first couple and while they haven't made any progress two others have stolen in on their thunder and...

crap. Ok, sorry, babbling. Anyway, keep up the AMAZING work!

- Saroo
temblance chapter 1 . 1/3/2007
I'm back! :)

Sorry I haven't gotten to this sooner; I've been thinking about sitting down and reading this for awhile. Take that as a compliment-Double Edged Swords really stuck in my mind! Anyway, I'll have to brush up on characters, though I think I remember them well enough. Nice description in this chapter. An opening full of suspense...I wonder if the rest will be in Liss' pov.

Oh, and btw- I love the title!
Lady Wrye chapter 9 . 11/23/2006
Love this sequel. It is perfect, and very well written. I will be looking foward to the next chapter! :)
a reader chapter 9 . 11/11/2006
Woo! I am the 100th reviewer! I love Double-Edged Sword. And now The paper Crown too!

The paper crown... Doesn't that mean that it would be really easy to destroy it? The person on the throne i mean. (Sorry, I'm taking Literature so I just had to decipher it.)

Honestly, I have nothing bad to say about it. Your writing is just as good as in books. Really good. Keep writing, can't wait for the next one!
An Inside Joke chapter 9 . 10/12/2006
Where is Mealc for all this? I would think that if Selera was expected to have Kaffe with him, he'd be nearby.

Well, I've finally caught up with all these new chapters- can't wait for the next one!
An Inside Joke chapter 8 . 10/8/2006
It seemed too much that after they talked about the most opportune time to attempt an assasination, someone almost assasinates Flin and gets away. I understand that it's a good way to introduce information, but it seemed just a bit too soon.
An Inside Joke chapter 7 . 9/30/2006
I would imagine that Selera wouldn't be able to name members of her own family, since she's only part of the royal family by marriage. I'd think she'd need to choose an heir who is part of King Mealc's family for the royal blood if she was going to pick someone from the family to be heir. Also, because she's not part of the royal family by birth, a person couldn't become kind by marrying her- they'd need to find a woman to marry Mealc. Of course, since you created Narayar, you can make up your own rules, but the ideas Selera and Nicar discussed before she said he could be heir seemed very unlikely to me.
Silent Force chapter 9 . 9/23/2006
Danik is definitely growing on me. That moment when he banged the captured man into the door was awesome.

Interesting twists with Selera's parents on their way. I'll be interested to see what they're like! I am definitely looking forward to more. Keep writing!
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