Reviews for Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder
guest chapter 24 . 2/20/2015
That was soooo adorable :)
Please consider writing a sequel, if you can..
Northfacegrl5 chapter 24 . 6/28/2013
You're such a freaking good writer!
Amazing Fuzzy Llamas chapter 24 . 4/15/2013
I LOVE THIS STORY! 3 AWESOMENESS! Can you write a sequel for them, when they're both in college? But it's fine if you don't have time. D Thanks SO much!
hello chapter 4 . 7/28/2012

*picks up jaw from the floor*

you are an amazing writer!

I'll admit, i have read romance stories by guys but theirs is usually a third person point of view.

You have written this story in first person and made her sound exactly like a tomboy...and you're writing is so amazing, i got lost in the story and lost track of time !

WOW! keep up the great work! :D
Jenny-A chapter 5 . 10/22/2011
I've read the first couple of chapters and I'm really enjoying it. Its a little stereotypical plot wise but its fun.I like your characters inner voices and the characterization in his novel so far is spot on.

Good stuff.
christinaxxyo chapter 1 . 5/1/2010
I like how you started this off, it was really cute :)
ithinkyourgay chapter 10 . 4/16/2010
good story so far but i agree with zira. kay is way overexaggerating about zack being a monster
Casablanca Dreams chapter 24 . 7/28/2009
That was cute...I liked the open ending (it's perfect for a sequel!), and I liked all the characters, though Kay sometimes annoyed me. She changed a little too fast- the change was sudden and dramatic (never wearing high heels to wearing makeup in freezing cold weather). There were a couple of grammar mistakes, but nothing serious. :)

For a guy, you have a remarkably good understanding of what goes on in a girl's brain. Sure, Kay was sometimes more like a guy than a girl, but you had Sharon, Zira, and Melanie spot on!

So, have you decided about the sequel?
ChaEL16 chapter 18 . 7/12/2009
are you serious about guys and girl don't really end up just being friends?why not?is it that weird to have friends from opposite sex?well i gotta admit i have guy best friends, and it doesn't bother note this,i am not tomboy and my bestfriends and i can't go to a next level,well because we're just friends, and that's just it.
ChaEL16 chapter 15 . 7/12/2009
is it just coincedence to have an exact same lines from want,take,have-another story from fiction press?and probably the same part with the girl arguing with her same thing happens when the girl had revenge to the guy,which is kissing him or what ever you call that with his guy and the guy also had the same fight in that another story, which the fight would be in general,is teasing the girl about sex or getting laid with him.

i apologive if i notice this bits and pieces and complain it to you. i hope you didn't copy some parts from a another story, because it would be disappointing to hear,from what i have read,so far, i really really like it.:D
writinglover419 chapter 24 . 6/6/2009
loved it!
writinglover419 chapter 4 . 6/6/2009
haha, cute!
ghurl00 chapter 24 . 5/18/2009

thats so cool and cute!

theyre just so adorable!

lavv it:)
123HSMluver chapter 24 . 3/26/2009
Omg I just finished reading, that was really really good! I loved how there were funny parts especially with the voices in Kay's head. I thought it was great! And I personally loved the ending :) I'll haveo to see if you wrote a sequel. Yay for awesomeness!
sappyromancelvr chapter 24 . 3/15/2009
This was absolutely amazing!

You have too write a sequel! Please?
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