Reviews for Save The Whales
TammyS3 chapter 15 . 6/20/2008
Aw! Poor you! Stil...UPDATE!:D
Maxegirl1313 chapter 15 . 5/5/2008
i luff it!1

Very good!

update soon!
Rocking Devil chapter 14 . 2/8/2008
U so gotta update! PLz do update soon...
Shot Glass chapter 14 . 4/29/2007
Aww...god I got warm fuzzies...
midnightsun chapter 14 . 4/29/2007
i love it. :)
Jugglingbearperformer chapter 13 . 3/27/2007
Lovely updates! Thankyou! I love this story, update soon. )
eliza-smiles chapter 13 . 2/11/2007
i really like this, and i cannot wait to see what you do with it... it would totally suck have 'visions' of random stuff...any ways cheers
dawn's unforgiving darkness chapter 13 . 1/24/2007
tornangelwings chapter 13 . 1/24/2007
this is really good, i have been following it ever since the beginning. the evolution of the characters is amazing. the feeling just pours off the page.
Musiclover066520 chapter 13 . 1/21/2007
wow this is really good! i hope you can update soon!
Foreverswimming chapter 13 . 1/19/2007
Yea! It's an update! I am so happy! It was a good chapter, I really can't wait for more!
The Midnights Sun chapter 13 . 1/18/2007


N.S. Blanchard chapter 3 . 1/13/2007
"Nothing. Thanks a lot We'll be going now." Travis said, glancing at me.

In this sentence, you need to put a period in between 'lot' and 'We'll'.

Just thought I'd point it out.
tornangelwings chapter 12 . 12/25/2006
this story is expertly written, i sincerely hope you keep writing this.
Foreverswimming chapter 1 . 12/21/2006
Wow, that was a great story I hope you continue it and update real soon please!
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