Reviews for Unnecessary
Neonn chapter 9 . 8/4/2007
YAY! I love this story so should include that one line about shirtless fanservice'd fit if, like, the fairy said it or something.
Stitch-Puppy chapter 8 . 8/3/2007
Wo! Yes I missed this amazing story. Poor Dhariel just can't get a break can he?I know its a joke and yet, its better then almost all the serious stories I've read. I actaully care about Derm the troll. He's the sweetest character I've ever read about.

The water fairy is halarious in this chapter, I know people who talk like that.

More please!
Neonn chapter 7 . 12/18/2006
A thought just occured to me. What if the person who beat Dahriel to the sweeping part was another thingy turned pretty (if that makes sense), with the help of a fairy, so...I have no idea where I'm going with this. _
Stitch-Puppy chapter 7 . 9/22/2006
Yippie! Another chapter. I love this story. The more the better.

I feel so bad for him though...Poor confused used-to-be-toll-man.
Stitch-Puppy chapter 1 . 8/28/2006
I love this. Seriously, you 's... there are no . Are. A. God. please!
Neonn chapter 4 . 5/16/2006
FANGIRLS! BWAHAHAHA! Boon companion, i think this is hilarious. You don't have anything written about it on your bio, tho' you mention the story with the magical people who teleport thru time and space but really don't. Actually, I was wondering how someone could be both Wolf and Wendell. Seriously. I hate wendell. i hate him SO much...
TornXAngel chapter 4 . 5/14/2006
Yay! I love it! It is so completely and perfectly random. The chapters are a bit short though. I love you! Update soon! ::Cough::Your other story too ::Cough::
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