Reviews for Through Me
devil's-fav-angel chapter 1 . 5/21/2006
awsome intro
Alberta Cavallaro chapter 1 . 5/21/2006
I think your writing have matured more since you wrote False Facade. I like this except for the last part where you switched from Tristian to that girl. I wasn't sure where it ended and started. And it's supposed to be 'welcome', no 'd'.
Arialla chapter 1 . 5/21/2006
Haha, cute. I've always liked Tristan (possibly even more than Vincent). (I think it's because of the name, lol.) But I'm so glad that you're making a sequel and pairing up Tristan. D That makes me really... satisfied, hehe. Is the girl Asian?

Great job. Can't wait to read more!

~ Aria
Kiara Asukara chapter 1 . 5/21/2006
YAY! HOORAY! A SEQUEL! You have seriously made my day. lol I loved False Facades more than any other story on here... and a sequel is just awesome. And it started with Tristan, who is one of the most awesome characters ever... I like the girl he meets too.. Its obvious they'll somehow end up together, and I like that... She's pretty kewl. lol And funny. The total opposite of Sammy it seems like, so far, but she's still great. Thanks much for the update! Like I said, this made my day.

Update soon!~Kaitlin
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