Reviews for Through Me
MissJackson chapter 30 . 1/31/2016
I just read this story and i love, love, love it!
False Facades was already amazing and now this as well.
Your characters are all so well written, i absolutely adore Will ;)
starzenith chapter 30 . 1/7/2016
woot! I came back after a few years to reread this masterpiece of yours (it's my forever favorite fictionpress story) and I gotta say, you really have a way with words because I felt my heart soar and dip like crazy throughout, and your details, unique sense of humor, and super-lovable characters made the read so much more enjoyable-I didn't want it to end! I have absolutely no idea whether you'll be reading this or not, but I hope you're doing well in medicine-you've inspired me to explore the pre-med path a whole ton before I head to college.
Less than three,
p.s. where can I get my own Tristan?!
Jacovy chapter 19 . 8/13/2015
Ahh. I love this chapter so much. It's probably my favorite
Guest chapter 30 . 7/19/2015
Awesome story. Adel can have Tristan but WILL IS ALL MINE! anyway I can't wait for the story! Good job!
elef chapter 30 . 6/14/2015
That's really funny about will anfpd adam... Lol
I hope you will make some story about adam's to. In the future... You're terrible amazing to make reader felling some emotion when reading your story
It's really my hope honey :)
crazydaisyyy chapter 30 . 6/14/2015
really loved this story! didn't think it could top False Facades but the two stories were such great reads! sorry to hear about ur plagirism problems that sucks :( but continue to write and i hope that one day i'll get to read more of ur stories!
lingreen2 chapter 1 . 5/18/2015
Haha, I just finished writing a review for False Facades, and I was like, Whoa. I need to see if she has more stories. And then I see this. You honestly just made my life. This is definitely something I will take my time to read (I stayed up all night reading... Sometimes you just can't help it. But yeah, I should probably go to sleep) Super good chapter, can't wait to read more!
Music's Bittersweet Flow chapter 27 . 5/12/2015
Adel is being a stupid ass. It's annoying. Why does she always have to respond to everything with brashness or anger or something.
EclairDenise chapter 30 . 4/20/2015
This is perfect, too.
fellowmedstudent chapter 1 . 2/5/2015
i love your awesome...u don't know how many times i have read this story...i just love ..
Lazerkat chapter 29 . 12/10/2014
Don't worry, she's okay now. Yup, way to go. *sighs*. You are such a brilliant writer.
Lazerkat chapter 5 . 12/6/2014
Back to find our squatting place
Lazerkat chapter 3 . 12/6/2014
Vince is so protective of's cute!
Lazerkat chapter 2 . 12/6/2014
Oh don tell me dat girl is gonna be there...
chocolateisbrown5 chapter 1 . 11/23/2014
I read False Facades and then I came here and read Through Me. And all I can say is

U r one of the most amazing writers ever! Your books are great! I can't even pic a favorite chapter, I just love when Tristan and Adel are all sarcastic and bickering. And when Will says something stupid it just kills me! I love Danielle, Sammy and Carrie for life. Dating For Dummies! Caine, Jack and Vincent! Those are my boys!
Anyway ,writing is definitely your talent! Keep it up!
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