Reviews for Daemon Academy
XxXBoyXxX chapter 4 . 7/4/2007
Hey this story is awsome... do you know where i can get some hentai pics of Viki? She sounds hot! Maybe draw one of her and Mike doing it on a desk, that'd be sweet!
yokokuramayoko chapter 1 . 12/29/2006
cool story eventhough I already red it

kitty :p
witchwriter chapter 4 . 9/10/2006
haha!Great chapter! sorry this reveiw is so late but keep writing! Evil!
Schloss chapter 1 . 8/21/2006
hey, like your story, i am getting there havent finished, but i will reveiw when i am done!well done, love
Plasma chapter 3 . 8/20/2006
Hey, why are you guys so slow, i mean you hardly ever update, please update, i love this story... oh, and i don't mean to give out spoilers but i think Mike is going to die and Damy isn't gay either, just my opinion though.

*Hail the light of the sun*
KikyoRules chapter 3 . 7/29/2006
Well, I guess you're getting, like, better, oh, but i read your new profile, you better no be speaking bou' me, like, i'm just trying to help you, like, gawd. Anywa, i want to, like, say that, like, i don't like the cat thing, like, come on, earth wall? can't you ,like, at least, like, make up a spell or something? Gawd. anywa gotta go

DarkAuthor2067 chapter 3 . 7/29/2006
Well, I liked this one about just as much as the other two, but you guys were a bit more lack on this one, nothing much, just, two words not spaced, oh, what is it with Yuri and Mike? I mean, Yuri is evil, but Mike seems more prone to being a bad guy, which one is going to turn evil? Could you maybe answer that in chp 4? The way that fight was set up was almost a neon sign (to me anyway) that said, "Either Yuri or Mike are going to turn (exscuse the Star Wars refrence) to the Dark Side. Oh, And why do you guys have Raphael, I mean, he hardly talks at all, is he just a filler character to give Vincent more comparison or will he become important in the future.

On a more positive note i like your banter, the "Hey!" "Viki!" "S-T!" "Earth wall"I love that part. Keep writing jokes like that, i like the humor, well, can't wait for chp 4, although we'll probably be in school by that time.
witchwriter chapter 3 . 7/29/2006
I love the rivalry in this! Great job guys and write more! Evil!
Calyco chapter 1 . 7/18/2006
Very interesting story.

I think it might work better if you pick one main character rather than trying to have all of them be main characters. I think it would keep the story focused and moving forward without getting sidetracked.

Kiss Me Now chapter 2 . 7/13/2006
Dude! This is, like, the most awesome story I've ever read! I think it should be published. Really, it's that good!

First, I love the interaction between everyone. (Especially Vincent and Viki. Are they going to end up together? i think that they should definitely! They are so cute!)

Second, though the plot isn't revealed yet, it leaves everyone wondering, you know? Like, omg what's going to happen?

Third, two words.



Mike is so cool! He's all like "No, I don't think so. You're all effing stupid f*cks. His attitude is TO DIE FORE!

And Yuri...OMG! She kicks arse! Though I can't tell whether she likes Mike or not. It's like... :\ She always picks on them, but you know what they say! If you pick on someone you like them! That's not always the case, but hey.

Please continue! It's been a while since an updation and I'm DYING for more!

You two rock! XD
Malum Shade chapter 1 . 7/5/2006
Great Story Steph, Rock on! You and Kitty really need to get the third chapter up! HURRY! GO! GO! GO! GO!
DogboyKyle chapter 1 . 6/26/2006
Hello! It's me! (Steph, Kitty, you know who I am :P

Great story you guys! (publish the others too!)

All the characters suits everyone perfectly! (I'll have to ask you know who to define that german for me!)Keep up the good work! Don't worry, we'll find someone to help us sketch it out! (obviously not me...)

Don't worry, I won't be going into the girls locker room anytime soon! :P

Great job!

witchwriter chapter 2 . 6/7/2006
I'll usually not at way with words was great/good/cool/rockin' pick your !
Mikami Yuriko chapter 1 . 6/4/2006
Ellow Steph! I told you I'd drop by!

Wow! I liked this one! LOL! Though I felt kinda awkward reading it...It's been ages since my high school years! I feel like an alien taking a peek at another dimension!


You should update soon!

I really liked Viki! She was cool! Keep it up! Oh! Kudos to your co-writer as well...You two make a good team! The gruesome-twosome!

Update soon you guys!
tornangelwings chapter 1 . 5/31/2006
if you do not finish i will be extremly MAD! anyways this was so awesome please finish or i will cry
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