Reviews for Love letters from California
Guest chapter 26 . 11/1/2016
I really, really luv this story
annayh44 chapter 26 . 5/26/2015
This was so touchable lovestory. .Jack had done all to convince how much he feel for Lorrie . .his love for her. .was too romantic. .This story can build hope in people's life ! wow... I really love this story
Guest chapter 25 . 7/8/2012
thanks for the brilliant story
and for the message you gave ...well i am gonna listen to it and keep hoping that my guy even likes me back
thanks for the hope
Breathless Knight chapter 14 . 8/26/2010
My mouth just dropped in shock. Jack's falling in love with Giada? And, do you say her name like Jada?
Guest chapter 26 . 6/6/2010
Yep i thought Mike was supposed to be a player who raped a girl, how did he turn into such a caring boyfriend in the end? But maybe i missed something in the storline.
Guest chapter 25 . 6/6/2010
It was a nice story, really interesting, but i think Giada was made up to be too stupid and insecure. Nothing significant enough happened in her life before to make her so insecure, so it was rather exaggerated.

I still enjoyed the story very much though, thanks (:
sausti0202 chapter 18 . 5/8/2010
Giada is so insecure! I know that that is a big problem with teenage girls, but she takes it to a farther extent. Jack's been helping her out since Day 1... It doesn't make sense that he would do that if he hated her. Argh (frustrated, haha)!
sausti0202 chapter 2 . 5/8/2010
Ah everytime she looks back at Mike I cringe! I just want to yell, "Don't look back!" Anyway, I love this story so far. Thank you for writing it!
abbsi chapter 11 . 1/20/2010
In America, we usually call it a "cast", not blaster. Just a note on American slang. :)
DLETE THIS OLD chapter 25 . 12/14/2008
wow awesome story, i think it's awesome that you are from another country and still write a whole story in english :D great job
florations chapter 26 . 10/12/2008
oh my gosh, i can't stop reading the last part, cos' y'know, i love someone. and you have just inspired me to never give up. i can't stop re-reading... i hate you for making this story so short. i_i and the stupid review window won't let me review again! GRR. anywhoos, i cried! ohemgge. your story is the most inspiring i have read in here. you should continue this.. writing. and also, i am inspired cos' it sound so real! as in.. the words.. you can just hear it.. you can see a woman [ or girl whatever floats your boat] doing it, as in.. being married to the one she hated [ or thought] at the begging then ending up marrying him, it's kinda cliche but i don't think so, and then the people's attitude. sweet, dense. T_T bitchy and all others. (: .. omgosh. i have typed so long but yet, i still haven't typed what i wanted to say [ type O.O] to you but you know.. you get the point? hai.. i wish i write like you, you make it so real. i ENVY you.. anyways, please make more stories, i'll treasure this story forever, and continue on with what i have in my life and air quote 'NEVER give up ' air quote. :D

i LOVE this story. can't stop typingg! and your story gives me goosebumps. i mean GOOD goosebumps. (: okay i have typed too long.. T_T ta-ta~

- April A.
florations chapter 25 . 10/12/2008
*sigh* i missed this story, it's so wonderful. and i have to agree with bloodylife232, it makes me wonder if it's true, because it sound so.. real. and also, i'm inspired, the whole never give up speech. hahas, i'll never forget this story.. *sobs in a corner*
florations chapter 1 . 10/12/2008
hi, i love your story, and just to let you know, this story was the first one i read here, it was recommended by my cousin. and yea, i love it. that's why i'm re-reading it, cos' the last time i read it was like.. a year ago? hehe.. anywhoo. (: i LOVE it.
Fayre Meira chapter 25 . 7/5/2008
i really like this story - but i do wish the epilogue was sweeter. It would've been better if you wrote conversations between jack and giada rather than just sticking to mainly giada's POV I think. but this is cool too i guess
Hazelnut Romance chapter 25 . 4/23/2008
aww. so schweet! luved it.
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