Reviews for Getting A Fairytale
Guest chapter 16 . 7/28/2014
I love love love this story, along with Drug Addiction Fairytale. They're definitely favorites! Thank you for your wonderful writing!
KoriLee123 chapter 29 . 8/29/2013
This was perfect(: Great job!
ilovetheoldu chapter 2 . 4/29/2012
I wanna kill you, you made a sequel for this. I got soooooo sucked in in this story i didn't sleep in a school night just to finish it! anyways I LOVE this story so much! and I'm so thrilled to read this sequel. I've got high hopes for this one!
Whatsoever chapter 29 . 3/21/2012
I have no idea how to tell you how much i love this. it has just the right amount of fluff and sappiness without it being too mushy. And Andy! Oh my god, i love him and his goofiness :) Great job on writing such a beautiful story. I'm adding it to my favs. I must admit, i liked this better than DAFT, no idea why. Maybe because it is thrilling to read about characters when they have grown up after reading about them as they were hen they were younger?
my princess ending chapter 29 . 1/12/2011
Well, I think this sequel is good but of course I liked the first story better than the second. Mostly because Zach was a main character. Well, I don't have much to say so yeahh. I think that this is one of the BEST stories I've ever read.
Aradia Cloud chapter 22 . 12/30/2010
So now I'm crying like a big effin baby coz the little person inside of her is dead.
Lady of romance world88 chapter 29 . 10/30/2010
Hi. Your story is so beautiful and cute. :) I glad that Kevin married to Melissa for love and happiness. How dare Clarissa used Kevin for his money and slap Mary when Mary is not her child either. I glad that Kevin dump Clarissa. Aww how cute Kevin and Melissa's daughter, Lesile was born in the family. I glad that Andy and Laurie got married have 3 children now. Hope that Jude and Katelyn will have more children for Mckay. Hope that Claudia and Kendell will get more children for Sophia. :) Hope that the next story will be Sarah or Mary or Matthew please. :) Keep writing. I love your story and its awesome. :D
Alanisaur chapter 29 . 9/19/2010
Perfect is the right word.
Alanisaur chapter 23 . 9/19/2010
It's like 5 in the morning time to go to sleep! LoL. Great story! I cant stop reading it. XDXD XD
Believe-Your-Imagination chapter 29 . 9/3/2010
great story! I stayed up all night to finish the whole story :)
eiyuang999 chapter 1 . 5/24/2010
hi !

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dramaqueen89 chapter 29 . 11/9/2009

Jude and Andy are way lovable.

This was a good story :D
dramaqueen89 chapter 13 . 11/9/2009
Let me just say that THAT is the perfect song for this entire story. From Jude to Katelyn.

Almost made me tear up :)
silentscream4luv chapter 29 . 10/20/2009
I started reading DAFT at like 5pm and then I seen that there was as sequel, I told myself NO! I can't, I have to work, so I figured I'd give myself a sneak peek. Then one chapter lead to another and now its 6am and i've finished reading Getting a Fairytale. Thanks! I better not fall asleep at work. lol.

I really love the stories though. GREAT JOB
BlueberryMuffinMonster chapter 29 . 8/31/2009
i absolutely love this story ! with all the teasing... andy is definetely my favourite character ! :D
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