Reviews for So, This is Life?
Shadows-walker chapter 5 . 12/16/2007
Defiant twists and turns.
Shadows-walker chapter 4 . 12/16/2007
very, very good. some minor grammer mistakes but nothing most wouldn't over look
Shaow chapter 3 . 12/16/2007
interesting twists and turns.
Shadow chapter 2 . 12/16/2007
Very interesting. Sounds very realistic.
Shadow chapter 1 . 12/16/2007
Very impressive.
pearlwalrus chapter 9 . 4/4/2007
i loved it. emotional. simplistic. conveyance of truth. conclusion: great story.

Crazy Talk chapter 9 . 7/31/2006
That is so very very ime can you try for a happy ending?
Johnneh chapter 9 . 7/31/2006 a good epilogue. Given up on everything. SAD! Anyway, great end to a great story.
Robert chapter 9 . 7/30/2006
Took a twist at the end :P. The whole "exchange" thing made it seem like it was leading to a diffrent ending :P. But yup :P. Grood story.
Madeline chapter 9 . 7/30/2006
M... deliciousness
Jonneh chapter 8 . 7/18/2006
O.O I'm near tears! Well, technically, no. But I was when I first read it. Still counts. Wow... sad ending. But, you know, I guess that's the only ending. . UNLESS you were to add a magical fairy godmother. Then she could have lived! But no, sadly, there was no fairy. No magic at all. None. Ok, I'm ranting on about nothing. It was a GREAT story! Really great. REALLY. I enjoyed every minute of reading it. So sentimental and then there's the cruel irony. Ok. That's ok then. So... does Jonathan stay with his parents still?
Robert chapter 8 . 7/17/2006
It's a little short, and it jumped to her death to quickly I think... I would advise you to write a 9nth. But besides the ending, I liked it. Good job.
Madeline chapter 8 . 7/17/2006
Emo and delicious
Crazy Talk chapter 8 . 7/17/2006
I should threaten you...but I'm a bit too sad abotu that ending to do any such thing. I'm hopig for another chapter...maybe an can't end it like this...I won't let's not fair...
Firespirit44 chapter 8 . 7/17/2006
Aw...that was really abrupt..but well..I guess there couldn't really have been a happy ending..there is no cure for AIDS..sigh..I don't think there's a need for a 9th chapter..I mean what more would you say? Great story, even though it didn't have a happy ending.
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