Reviews for Evolution
That Beach Girl chapter 24 . 5/25/2014
I am eagerly awaiting your next update. I really like how you show every aspect of Page's life instead of focusing solely on the romance. You kind of show how everything links together and piles up on top of everything else. I love your characters. They're beautifully flawed. And I'm kind of glad that Nicole slapped Ben. I mean, I feel bad for him and all, but he was being an ass and treating girls like they're disposable in a big no-no in my books. And all your characters have a maturity and intelligence that is really rare in books, particularly ones about kids in high school.
And the giraffe dream was golden.
Keep up the stellar work! And please post soon.
That Beach Girl chapter 22 . 5/25/2014
I'm that guest reviewer that forgot to leave her name before, the one rambling about the beach. I just want to tell you how much I love your story again. I laughed and cried- only really, really good stories can do that, in my opinion. Seriously, you're ripping my heart out here, in the best possible way. I think you have a very powerful story here. It's so real and honest. Whenever a character does anything, realistic consequences follow, unlike in a lot of stories I've read. You're really quite refreshing. You see, I'm very picky about what I read, probably because I've lived through a lot of traumatic crap and have a love for psychology myself, which results in me thinking way, way more than most people. I even read your author's notes! Your writing makes me feel like I'm not alone, like I'm with a friend. It's a delightful feeling. I honestly have nothing to criticize, which is very unlike me.
PS Since you love psychology and sound as nerdy as I am, I'm making a book suggestion for you: Without Conscience by Dr. Robert Hare. I think you'd find it fascinating, if you haven't already read it. It's on psychopathology. Now I'm going to read the rest of what you've posted. :)
Guest chapter 8 . 5/24/2014
Just here to say I'm enjoying your story. I love your description of the beach. Reminds of of the beach near where I live: all pointy rocks that make you wish you have invulnerable Hobbit feet and empty crab shells that the seagulls probably ate the insides of and clumps of nasty smelling seaweed. Not so bad once the tide goes down and you can walk on the cool, damp sand... Anyway, I'm rambling. I also enjoyed Page's description of her school- her descriptions of anything, really, because being in her head is just so interesting. Really, I love her character. Especially when she starts mouthing off to people who kinda deserve it. Ben is growing on me too- at first I just wanted to give him a good, hard slap because he kinda deserved it but then he's got those moments where he softens up a bit.
And the journal entries make me laugh. They're fantastic. You manage to take serious subjects and present them in a way that people like me who have really dark senses of humour can laugh at them while still keeping the seriousnesss of it.
And I rather like the brother's girlfriend. In fact, your characters are well-drawn, in my opinion. Keep it up!
OnePromise chapter 24 . 5/24/2014
Yes! Craziness is good! That means entertainment and I do love to be entertained! This story is fantastic and I'm so excited to see where you take it! And I don't think Page's attachment to Ben is unhealthy at all! I think it's perfect ; ) Can't wait for the next chapter! :D
Abbey chapter 24 . 5/24/2014
I love how Ben was intuitively right about Page getting lost in the woods, haha. It's been months since I last read your story, so I need to re-read a number of the past chapters (I completely forgot who Dee was, for example). But I do like the friendship between Dee, Macy, and Page, btw.
Kat chapter 24 . 5/24/2014
This was a sweet chapter! Paige's friends seem questionable sometimes, but they were sweet here! Also, LOVE the giraffe dream! Poor Ben :P

Love you! And miss you tons!
honestyfirst chapter 1 . 4/4/2014
I wish you would update :(
Night-Rayne chapter 23 . 3/20/2014
I just wanted to let you know that I love this story, especially since I find myself being able to relate to Page, which doesn't happen a lot with regard to main characters. I can't wait to see where this goes!
honestyfirst chapter 23 . 2/24/2014
I'm really sorry for not reviewing more often. I read this earlier but didn't review, stupidly enough. I loved this chapter. I honestly wholeheartedly believe that was probably the best chapter so far. It's amazing.
Keep up the good work. Don't be disheartened. People are just lazy (like me). You deserve more reviews; your story is well written, great plot, it deserves more recognition. I'll try my best to be more faster with my reviews.
I love Ben, he's my dream guy. Even though he's part of a story... I'm going off on a tangent. I doubt anyone reads all of my rambles. If they do...embarrasing.
Ranii chapter 23 . 2/20/2014
I wasnt trying to be rude. I was impatient u didn't update for AGES... and I really wanted to read your story :)
pyrokinetic maniac chapter 23 . 2/13/2014
i always wonder why this story has so little reviews and favs and whatnot. this is a god-damn masterpiece, people! open your eyes! appreciate good literature!
Minzy chapter 23 . 2/11/2014
This is such a funny story! I love how Page has changed character-wise. Can't wait to read more!
Booklover5624 chapter 23 . 2/8/2014
I'm so glad I saw this story it's so good! I can't wait to read more and thank you so much for continuing the story which was probably hard because of life and all so yeah thanks :D
Kat chapter 23 . 2/8/2014
I like the word schlub :P Also, love this chapter's Ben! He's so much nicer! And understandable! And they get along! Love it! (and you!) And yeah, maybe "things aren't happening", but it was a good, relaxing chapter, which I think was needed, since lives can't be that crazy all the time - people would just break... And I don't want either of them to break :) Miss you too! Lots of love!
ranii chapter 22 . 2/6/2014
Ok you've taken 4 months this is too much HURRY UP
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