Reviews for Broken
witeaya chapter 49 . 4/18/2011
hi there! i will review some more later but rite now i just have to get this out of my chest.

are all the other student stupid? apathetic? or plain useless coward? they should help her, ! she was being beaten by a guy!

at the least someone should try to help her. scream or something.

this is not first time either. remember when she cried at the library? they just stood there. teenagers.

that's done now i will go back to my reading.

and teenagers out there, i dont hate u, just merely absorbed with the story.

goingsogagaoveryou chapter 52 . 4/8/2011
Wow that was a very wonderful story! I'm glad everything worked out for them
3DarkGoddess3 chapter 52 . 8/22/2009
I really enjoyed reading your story. Will is nuts and I feel so sorry for Tank. I'm they worked it out. I'm happy for Dallas too.
Hazelnut Romance chapter 51 . 4/26/2008
cool story. kinda cliche, but it was really sweet. update with the sequel soon. i really want to find out about riley.
amanda chapter 51 . 3/25/2008
so i've read your story twice now.

and i love it still.

its great.

youre an amazing writer.

i hope to see more soon.

[i've probably reviewed before. but i cant remember. so yeah]
ess3sandra chapter 2 . 8/31/2007
ryan is there, but how does will come into the story. you gave a teaser, and now, i really want to know. good work!
christinaxxyo chapter 10 . 6/18/2007
ryan falls in love pretty easily, doesn't he? i mean, sure, they've known each other forever but one minute they hate each other and the next, after she falls down the stairs (haha i loved that btw), and he's in love...
christinaxxyo chapter 6 . 6/18/2007
this kiss was their second kiss? i thought they 'hated' each other before this...
Anon chapter 4 . 6/11/2007
Wouldn't it be biology instead of chemistry? In the last chapter, she said "so I just went to my Biology class with my English textbook." Just a thought...
honey splattered brains chapter 51 . 6/10/2007
The ending was soo cute! :]
siddika chapter 52 . 6/10/2007
I can't wait for you to start any story because you are an amazing writer.
AJS chapter 51 . 5/18/2007
Cute ending. Haha I like how you ended it with Ryan's 2nd attempt at singing Heather a song publicly (: I also like how you put some of the end at the beginning, and made us be like wtf so how does Will fit in here? Will is ugh. Retarded. I hate him. But I think we could have guessed that from the beginning, even without that first chapter/prelude/whatever you want to call it. He was just straight up annoying from the start.

I'm glad that Heather & Ryan eventually got together. At first I was hesitant to read this because there were so many chapters but it turns that that it's actually the same length as the rest, just with shorter but more chapters (: I know I had a few more things to say about this but I've forgotten because I didn't review right after finishing this :x Sorry~

Cute story though. I think some parts are pretty unrealistic, and there was a point I just thought Heather was being plain ridiculous and stupid, but what can we do, right? (: Keep writing~

- Alyssa
cherrypiesizzle chapter 6 . 3/7/2007
lol, fast-paced romance here. and this will guy? i want to see where he comes in.
Kelly Melly chapter 51 . 2/28/2007
Aww.. so cute!I love the ending! It makes me so happy! Sorry i've been gone so long my computer was being a butt and stuff. But i'm back now and I love the story! Laters

~Kelly Melly
silentscream4luv chapter 51 . 1/28/2007
OMG... I really love this story, was readin a story on quizilla and one of the aurthors had transfered her stories to here and after i read her storied I looked on her favorites and read those stories then i kept doing it... and i have been doin it for lik a week now and i cant stop im addicted to these stories they are so great.. i love this story...
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