Reviews for Janie and the Cretin
Sophia Nicole chapter 21 . 11/21/2006
Aw! Gotta luv those tow! So cute. The twins were adorable!

Luv'd the whole story!

chic rebel chapter 21 . 11/21/2006
it was beautiful. icant believe its done. im glad they're married and TWINS!:D, hope u come out with another story. kudos for this one.
pixxidust chapter 21 . 11/21/2006
very nice story. can't wait to read your new story!
elohimdancer319 chapter 21 . 11/21/2006
Aww, good epilogue. I like it. Nat and Johnny sitting in a tree... lol.
funsize chapter 20 . 11/14/2006
AGH! OMG! NO! ITS ALL OVER! BUT YES! YES IT WAS GOOD! OMG! they should all run off and get married... aww that was so good... lol i love creamy he's funny
SmartiePants924 chapter 20 . 11/11/2006
I love LOVE LOVE this story and I can't wait for the next chapter...LOVE...hehehe I couldn't help it.

Someone Out There Cares chapter 20 . 11/10/2006
Sh! Don't tell anyone that! lol.

Thank God they are back together! It was pretty funny too, especially when Ria came in. Can't wait to read the rest of it!
abc chapter 20 . 11/10/2006
this story is so good i can't wait until the next chapter!
DeathOfTheGraveyard chapter 20 . 11/9/2006
Well lookie here... an update!

OMG! I love it! Hahahaha! And Creamy! LOL. I can just relate to his character coz I know a lot of people like that. Of course you know this, we know the same people.

But Mike! He's so unreasonably cute... or is it cutely unreasonable. Whatever. I'm sad the next update will be the epilogue. It's been a bittersweet journey... can't wait! You better make it good or else I'll fly back there to bonk you in the head.

Oh and... let's talk about sequels...
abc chapter 4 . 11/9/2006
yes! he's finally back
abc chapter 3 . 11/9/2006
good chapter
abc chapter 2 . 11/9/2006
i love this story it's so amazing i can't wait until mike comes back from university

omg i hope they get together in the end

it's so sad how her diary got read infornt of so many people how humilitating
Sure as the Dawn chapter 20 . 11/9/2006
I can't wait for the epilogue, though it IS sad that this has to come to an end... Update SOON!
Callisto Jean chapter 20 . 11/9/2006
Can we get a sequel? Please? asked me about a show (i think). I don't even know what it is. Maybe I do watch it...I don't pay attention to titles. Sorry!

Can you tell me what it is?

Natalie and Jhonny! Please? Pretty please?
chic rebel chapter 20 . 11/8/2006
oh im excited for the epilogue. can't wait. update soon!
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