Reviews for W is for WHAT?
marijee chapter 1 . 8/12/2010
I liked your other story, so I am trying this one. I liked Marla and Justin. I am wondering about Marla and her green...
Alis chapter 1 . 7/16/2010
I would love for you to do a Calc-Jessica romance! I know I'm just "another fan" begging for this, but I would really enjoy it and to see their characters expanded in a different way would be SO MUCH fun. Awesome writings by the way!

Last Wish chapter 20 . 6/13/2010
Marla is definitely annoying in my book, Callum is a God to be able to take her. I probably would pull my hair out already and tell her to shove it. Nonetheless, I love all your stories and seeing that you mention that this is part of your trilogy, I was hoping for you to write more stories in the future! Please do :[
InnocentSarcasm chapter 20 . 5/31/2010
MAn that was one hot story

my insides are now in very fluterry condition

you really write awsome tell me you'll write more stories

pretty please
ThatLifeOfMine chapter 20 . 5/23/2010
I was so sad to reach the end of the story! I was literally addicted! Marla is AMAZING and Callum , omg Callum he is a god. WOW! I Love your writing it is really good and you are incredibly creative! I am on my way to read your third story which I am sure is as good if not better than this and TVW!

However I really want you to write a new story, something maybe about a vampire female Joining with a non-vampire male like human or something and it would be as though it is something really rare and she would change him into a vamp or something! That would be cool xD!

Anyways now I am off to your third story and I really hope you would write a new one! You Rock :P
tasha chapter 20 . 3/5/2010
fucking brill :) loved it!
browneyedcolly chapter 20 . 2/21/2010
Taberah chapter 1 . 2/12/2010
MY BROTHER AND I REFER TO THEM AS ARMSOCKS ALSO! Even if they aren't made of socks. That made my day.
Chryse chapter 20 . 1/28/2010
All right. I have read all three of your stories now, and I definitely think it needs to be a quartet ... or quintet ... or septet ... anyway ... I think you get the point. Perhaps a loup? June doesn't EXACTLY count as one, after all. Or, say, what's Marguerite's story? Or, what would happen if a human, non-witch character got involved? (Besides Jess, although she def. needs her own story, too.) Or what about a couple that ISN'T Joined, but still manages to be good together? See what I mean? So many potential spin-offs.

Anyway, I enjoy the French in certain of your stories as well as the humor. I am kind of curious about Marla's dad. He takes it pretty darn well ... too well, almost. Regardless, hope to see a "New Story" alert in the inbox soon.
Sakiru Yume chapter 16 . 1/3/2010
I just have one comment: Loup is French, and the "p" wouldn't be pronounced. It would be "Loo", not "Loop". Because Marla repeated "Loups" as "Loops", but it shouldn't be pronounced like that.
SpotWillRuleTheWorld chapter 20 . 12/16/2009
Jessie Wulf chapter 1 . 11/24/2009
Wow, I just loved The V Word and then you come out with this.. great story. I loved it, although, Marla was a bit.. I'm not sure what word for her, but she was a bit much for me to understand? All I know is I didn't like her character very much, but it did make the story interesting. Good job.
x0Ever0x chapter 20 . 11/5/2009
LOVE'D IT! Awesome story! It was really good
Anne chapter 4 . 11/2/2009
You are now my favorite online author. Some places falter a bit, like in V-word, you used vampirette to much, but the plot and characters totally make up for it.
Lisaflowers chapter 20 . 10/5/2009
HAHAHHA., i LOVE your stories. They amuse me very very much. ) Whens the next sequel coming out?
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