Reviews for Denser than Water
tornangelwings chapter 1 . 11/25/2006
this is amazing, the description is a little vague on what they look like yet i love it all the same, i really want to read more so can you please go on.
HiMyNameIsLane chapter 1 . 6/26/2006
Thanks for the review. And I like this story it's very different from the things I normally read. I hope you plan to update it soon cause i would love to know what happenes next.
FlowerGirl'sHarvest chapter 1 . 6/23/2006
Love the story. Lei seems like a great character already! Update soon it you know what good for you! LOL. JK.
Holly chapter 1 . 6/21/2006
Hey I really enjoyed it! I have a question though, the maine character is how old? And what does she look like? Ok, well keep it coming I have you bookmarked! lol ok well tata for now!
The Latest Plague chapter 1 . 6/20/2006
wow this seems really interesting! i'll be looking for your update
Miz Em chapter 1 . 6/20/2006
I one-hundred percent support this story. Its great that you contibute to the need for diversification(?). Please continue to develop this story, it is very well done do far and I think it will be promising.
Mrdarcylover chapter 1 . 6/20/2006
An interesting start, I hope you update soon! I like it, and your end line was good.
CayRae-SkySong chapter 1 . 6/20/2006
Very intresting so far. I like how you use Chinese. I just wish that Lei would be older then her. Can you PLEASE make that happen? Maybe he is older, but she thought he was younger in the beggining? :) Please don't make him be younger. Thank you and PLEASE update, because this is so good! I'm adding this to my fav's list!

Sumire Cherise chapter 1 . 6/20/2006
I love the theme for this, it's unique, it's an oppurtunity to learn about new cultures, and like you said, it's not your everyday High School story. I like it and hope you continue. And as a side note, you'll get more reviews if you take the 'no anonymous reviews' thing of your account.
Danica Blake chapter 1 . 6/20/2006
An absolutely excellent start of a fic.

Everything's well written-I'm sorry I can't offer any constructive criticism, you just haven't given me anything to work with!

I especially liked the fact that you've clearly given your characters very individual personalities. They all come across quite clearly.

Is Yun-er Zhou's daughter then? And is that why his wife hates her so much?

I also liked the cute twist of the begger being Lei, and that it was Yun-er's kindness that allowed him access to Zhou.

All in all, a really really great start. I look forward to reading the rest!

Oh, as for your statement that fictionpress may not like an oriental/ancient China theme, you could try putting it in the Historical/Romance category if things don't work out in Romance?

I wish you the best of luck, and a ton of plot bunnies!

Pedantmuse chapter 1 . 6/20/2006
great job, update again soon.