Reviews for It Can Always Get Worse
rainbabie chapter 26 . 8/26/2010
Ah! I just re-read the whole story since it has been so long... and I am SO happy that you are picking it up again! This was such an amusing story! Can't wait for your next update!
The Latest Plague chapter 26 . 8/25/2010
All i have to say is: YAY! its been a long time, but it was worth the wait!
xcrazyladyo chapter 26 . 8/25/2010
WO! I forgot how totally awesome this story was until I read the most recent chapter then went back and re-read the rest. Absolutely, edge of your seat exciting!

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE don't wait too long before your next update. This story definately needs to be completed.
goodbyemylover chapter 26 . 8/25/2010
Aww poor Lana! This was such a great chapter though. It was really well written! I re-read the entire story before reading this chapter and i remembered how much i loved it! I'm so glad you updated and i can't wait till you update again!
rosieroo chapter 26 . 8/25/2010
so are you going to be updating again? I sure hope so! Because when I saw that you'd update, I went back and read the whole thing instead of studying, so you better update again soon!

I found one error: 'My mouth so I could scream my brains out but another hand covered the entire lower half of my face.' I think a few words at the very start of that sentence are missing.

I can't wait for the next update! I hope Antony comes and rescues her - I find it quite cool that most of the story has been Lana talking about memories.

Can't wait for the next chapter!
Kajal chapter 26 . 8/25/2010
I was very excited to see you had updated, though it took me a while to get back in-the-know with the story. There was lots of excitement in this one and I can't wait for more! I loved how you expressed all of their emotions. Can't wait for the next part! Don't make the wait long! haha
Lethe's Oblivion chapter 26 . 8/24/2010
I am so happy you're still writing! I won't lie, I had given up hope on getting to read more of this story, but I'm so glad I was wrong. I think this is one of the best-written, and most original stories I've ever read on this site. I can't wait to read more, especially to find out what the deal with Emo is.
Jessie L. Star - AKA star123 chapter 26 . 8/24/2010
It must be said there was swearing when I saw that new chapter alert in my inbox. Swearing of the 'No f-ing way, I don't f-ing believe it, this is f-ing awesome' variety. I'm so excited by this update. Two years, that's incredible, no updates had made me so sad, but I'd never totally given up hope you'd be back.

This chapter gave me shivers, it was fantastic. I re-read the whole story before I let myself get to the most recent chapter, however, and it was so worth it. Poor Emo and his dubious relations. I can't wait until we get more of an insight into his background and what led to Antony shooting him. Seriously intense stuff, I was squeaking and basically acting like a freak from beginning to end.

Saying please update again doesn't even begin to cover it, I'm terrified you'll disappear again and we'll never see Lana get rescued. I want more of this so, so much. I'll never give up on you so please, please, please keep writing. You're awesome, hands down the best writer on FP, no contest.

musica1325 chapter 1 . 8/24/2010
So excited to see you back and updating on Fictionpress! You certainly have an ability to juxtapose humor and serious themes in the same whirlwind of a story. Great having you back.
Earthling Queen chapter 26 . 8/24/2010
YAY! You finally updated! I thought you abandoned the story.
luvallyx3 chapter 26 . 8/24/2010
omgosh, so happy to see you're back! i've always loved this story (i think it the first fictionpress story i read to be honest, and was the one to get me hooked on this site). this chapter is as good as ever, so hope you keep up the great writing. eagerly waiting for the next part :D

xoxluurve chapter 26 . 8/24/2010
You updated! I check whether you've updated from time to time, even when I know that you probably stopped :P BUT YOU DIDN'T! Haha! I just saw it on top of the list of someone's favourite story, and I was like, 'WAIT... only the recently updated stories are on top. WHUT, SHE UPDATED?' HAHA! So I frantically click, and read the chapter. Granted, I did forget most of what happened in the story, but enough to remember the storyline :P I am planning to re-read the whole thing, of course! But I just wanted to write something quickly to say thanks for the update! Haha! On another note, I can't believe Antony killed Emo! Even Emo said that he had nothing to do with it. Was he just mad because he slept with her? Maybe. Or maybe Emo did have something to do with it. It's so sad how jealousy can control someone like that, unless, you know, he had a legit reason. HAHA! Like she said, I really DON'T understand so far. Hopefully the update isn't another two years :P Just know your writing style is adored. Where do you get your ideas, anyway? This is very original, the way you took that idea of kidnapped/mafiaboss person, and love of life, coming to the rescue. Haha!

I don't have anything else (useless) to say. Until next time!
Mushypork chapter 25 . 8/24/2010
haha wow! I remember this sotyr but I forgot what happened D:: so I think I'm to have to re-read it O_O; but it'll be worth it (: because I remember this story being amazing
muzikall chapter 26 . 8/24/2010
I can't believe you finally updated! I had given up all hope. This chapter was so good!
macy chapter 26 . 8/24/2010
holy smokes you updated! i was one of those quiet readers 2 years ago (seriously has it been that long?) I haven't told you then but i'm telling you've got something. You've got a good feel on how to tell a story. Anyway, i'm so happy your back. can't wait to read more soon :)
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