Reviews for It Can Always Get Worse |
Becoming chapter 25 . 5/22/2009 Wow! This is probably one of the best stories I have ever read on this site. I can actually see this one getting published. It's a really neat idea. Great Job! I only wish that you would finish it. :) Thanks for writing |
53BookTitles chapter 25 . 5/14/2009 BEST. STORY. EVER. This story is amazing and I love Lana and Antony and Markus! But if this Emo guy turns out to be bad I am going to have to be mad at you! Please continue! millie xx |
lizzabee7919 chapter 25 . 4/25/2009 PLEASE UPDATE! I need to know the ending of this story! I love it and think its hilarious. So please? |
poppiesinoctober chapter 25 . 4/10/2009 Okay, so I really really like this story a lot. Hahah. You must update it soon. I really don't like Emo. Just don't like him. And Jade annoys me. I mean, just...ugh. I don't like her. Go Markus! I need more? Please! |
niki chapter 25 . 2/21/2009 Feeling inspired yet? |
are.theee chapter 25 . 2/19/2009 please update soon! |
PeachyKeeen chapter 1 . 2/16/2009 I am severely going through withdrawal. There's so much we readers don't know, like about Emo and what happened to him. And what brought on the kiss between Lana and Antony. Please post something, an author's note at least to let us know you're still writing for this story. I love the bantering between the two - you've created characters that everyone can't help but get attached to. Aha and of course I adore Annie. I know its annoying when you get tons of reviews that all say please update, however I can't bring it in me to restrain myself. This story is that addicting. |
Beth chapter 25 . 2/16/2009 PLEASE UPDATE SOON! I just read this whole thing in one sitting and I really think it is one of the most creative stories I've seen on this site. The characterization is great and the presentation is awesome! Please add more! |
Temple Trees chapter 1 . 2/4/2009 PLEASE. PLEASE. PLEASE Update this story soon! I miss it so much! I wanna know about the kiss! PLEASE! |
What Ever You Want chapter 25 . 1/21/2009 its good very nice. |
vegalyra chapter 20 . 1/19/2009 Just read your story and I am hooked on both the story and Lana! I'd really love to hear how it finishes! |
Fanfiction Adict chapter 25 . 1/6/2009 OMG! I just powered through this entire story. It would be worth publishing! I would TOTALLY buy it. UPDATE NOW! |
xoxo1 chapter 25 . 1/4/2009 ohmygod! one of the most awesomest stories i've ever read. i love how it's written, absolutely perfect :) so im just sitting here reading it, and i realize the story isn't done. when are you going to continue it? soon, i hope. it's an amazing story, and i cant wait for more. xx |
THPL chapter 3 . 1/1/2009 hahaha! I liked this chapter a lot :D |
Demeterr chapter 25 . 1/1/2009 O nice an update. Well that was a couple months ago but I didn't realize. Sadly I forgot the story - must re-read when I get the chance. |