Reviews for It Can Always Get Worse
l'heautontimoroumenos chapter 25 . 12/25/2008
This is seriously a great story .If you don't update very soon, I might feel inclined to sing the deutsch songs about 'Sinterklaas' and rip your throat off (quite painful, or so people told me - especialy the deutsch songs part).

Mwahahaha. I am evil.

By the way, do you think you could actually include a romanian guy with blue hair in your story? It'd be original and I'd be extremelly happy.

Making a weird french girl living in Bangkok (aka me) happy is a once in a lifetime opportunity, so think about it.

Plus, if you need anything in deutsch, french or thai, I can help. I can even help a little with romanian.

You are a nice person, aren't you? Don't you like me?

Please update and add some romanian guy and you shall have my eternal gratitude.

Bref. I have to stop making weird comments.
Camelia Sinensis chapter 25 . 12/21/2008
This here is absolutely amazing - you know that, right? I mean, I read this in one go! :) That's how much I loved it.

To tell you the truth I'd seen this story many times before, but never bothered to read it. I dunno, I was just pu off by the mafioso thing in the summary.

But was I wrong! I'm madly in love with the Romano twins and I even like the Russian dude. Not to mention I actually do like your main character ('cause I usually get really bored by them), she's funny and aproachable.

So here's where I ask - and beg - for another few chapters just to please this poor old soul. Think of it as a Christmas gift! ;)

I'll stop now - this review's way too long.

Congrats for the brilliant work!

P.s.: Do we ever get to see the kiss?
long live the geeks chapter 25 . 12/14/2008
I love this story!
Just me and myself chapter 25 . 12/10/2008
Ah man, I think I just found my favorite story on Fiction Press. I can't wait to read the next chapter. Update soon, please.
Itnikki chapter 25 . 11/29/2008
wow. This story is brillant! There are very few stories that I truly enjoy reading that aren't cliches. I love your characters. Everyone has so much chemistry! I can't wait to find out how Anthony finds out about Emo!

Update when you can! Hope you're still inspired!
bridgette261 chapter 25 . 11/29/2008
I hate knowing that Emo's bad but I definitely can't wait for Antony to finally acknowledge his love and lust for her :)

undergroundlove chapter 25 . 11/27/2008

ohmygoshh...why did it stop :( i so can't wait for the next chapter!

i feel like a fan girl/groupie :

but i am seriously loving this story :P
Denise chapter 1 . 11/23/2008
I seriously need this story to come full circle! Its killing me! Amazing writing, I must say I hope it gets published so I can own a copy. I hope you become inspired soon and post another chapter I feel like we're running the last few legs now and I definitely can't wait to find out the thought behind the kiss.
namegame chapter 25 . 11/17/2008
I just read this story and it's fantastic. I know it's been a while since you posted it, but I'd really love to read more. Please update soon!
Naoise chapter 25 . 11/17/2008
Aww, Emo is so cute! But what happened to him? Why is he not alive anymore? I love his name too. Emo. Reminds me of Elmo!

I miss Antony too.
Naoise chapter 23 . 11/17/2008
"And if I felt a couple tears on my neck, he knew I wouldn’t breathe a word."

The TV was on in the background when I was reading this and it was playing a really sad instrumental song and I had a few tears in my eyes too! Poor Markus!

Brilliant story though. Lana's so unbelievably cool, I wish I could think of her witty comebacks!

Can't wait to read more!
Temple Trees chapter 25 . 11/16/2008
update soon please!
PeachyKeeen chapter 22 . 11/11/2008
Did I mention that I check it quite often?
PeachyKeeen chapter 23 . 11/9/2008
Ohh please update! It might seem a tad obsessive but I keep waiting to see that email saying this story has been updated pretty much every time I check my email. Please please please post something! Even a few sentences would suffice :)
Oh dear chapter 25 . 10/29/2008
Yet another slightly sad but mostly hopeful reader here -

Just finished reading this in one go, and it's really very good. I mean, it's so engaging, funny, well-paced, and incredibly unfinished that it hurts. It's refreshing to have a story of this caliber on here, and I'm so glad you've invested so much in it [and us, your happy readers] already. Needless to say, I've joined the ranks of the waiting here.

I hope things are going well in your world. I [we all] hope you're still writing - you've got a lot to offer that would be a shame to lose, especially when it comes to this community and this story. Looking forward to your next update! :)
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