Reviews for It Can Always Get Worse
Counting Petals chapter 1 . 8/17/2008
Review Marathon! (If you're confused, there's a link on my profile.)

I loved that you made fun of clichés, because that shows that you're aware of them and able to work around them. Or at least make fun of them. Which is funny.

One thing: "its ridiculous" it's
Jessie L. Star - AKA star123 chapter 25 . 8/17/2008
Okay, wow. I didn't read this chapter straight away when the notification popped up in my inbox (a notification that made me squeal with happiness and grin for about two hours, by the way) because I wanted to go back and read all the chapters so I could fully appreciate the most recent chapter. I'm so glad I did too, as I was able to remember how truly awesome this story and your writing is.

I'm so cut up Emo is going to perish, he's so sweet and Lana is so happy with him. Did I read the first bit right? Does Lana tell him about the Romano brothers' secret spy identities? I'm prematurely massively annoyed at her for doing that (if in fact she does). But I guess it's a good way to show the seriousness of their lives and the secret she is in on.

I lived in eternal hope that this story would be kickstarted into existence again and I don't think I can accurately explain the extent to which I am fully stoked that it's back. I hope you are feeling all refreshed and excited about writing again, but I get that it's not something you can force so I just hope that the feeling sticks around.

I would love to read/see the preview to your other story (email is on my profile) although I would like to cast my vote for a finished ICAGW if it starts to verge towards an either/or situation!

Cheers, Jess
Kotex Fits Period chapter 25 . 8/16/2008
I was so shocked to see you update. I actually read this chapter the day it came out but I was too lazy to submit a review so I'm back. Not much going on in this chapter but I'm just glad you updated. If you're planning on updating soon, great! But don't get our hopes up. :) half j/k. Hope to see a longer chapter up soon. :]
Carina chapter 25 . 8/16/2008
I'm so excited for a new chapter! I have you on my favorite authors list so I clicked just to see if by chance there might have been an update anywhere...and there was! Yay! Can't wait for the next one.
Alenor chapter 25 . 8/13/2008
hmm...ok then...the marcus/jade/stuck in the middle thing would suck! and somehow i don't think he stole the birth control...that's just weird. can't wait for more ~ Alenor
jamaninja chapter 25 . 8/13/2008
GAH! Too short! You have to update again and much sooner and much longer with a lot of details and a lot more Antony!
DiddlingFiddles chapter 25 . 8/11/2008
Just found this story. :D I like, I like.

I think the mob dude's my favorite character though.
tehcow chapter 25 . 8/11/2008
wo ok i just spent like 3 hours reading al of this and my eyes hurt really bad right now since i haven't taken a break so would you please do me a huge favor and upload to put me out of my anxiety? thanks :]
unconnected14 chapter 25 . 8/10/2008
i loved this chapter. post more soon plzz!
CarlyJo chapter 25 . 8/10/2008
OMG! You're back! I loved the chapter, even though it was so short, I can't wait for more!
Miss Fairytale chapter 25 . 8/10/2008
Yay! Your finally back! Please update soon!
fermina chapter 25 . 8/10/2008
so glad to see this updated and to see you haven't lost a beat! Not much for me to say except I hope the next update comes sooner than this one and returns to the action!
Bob Evans chapter 25 . 8/9/2008
Holy Crap! You're back!

This is a first in Fiction Press history. One of the dead authors has returned from the grave. Proof that everything in the universe has an exception.

Lot's of clues in this chapter, but as you said, really short, so maybe, just maybe, you'll get those next chapters out soon. Then I can start putting the pieces of the puzzle back together again.

~Bob Evans

Seriously, wow! So great to see ya back!
LethargicLove chapter 25 . 8/9/2008
Welcome back! It's good to see you writing again, especially since this story is one of my favorites. Now, I have just finished re-reading the entire story so far, and I have to say that I still love it and am extremely happy to see that you are, indeed, planning on continuing. Especially because I want to know what that Emo son of a bitch did. I can tell it's going to be exciting. Oh, and the rescue scene as well. I would say attempted rescue, but your story is too funny to have an extremely angsty and depressing ending. Having a funny story with a serious, suicidal-thought inspiring ending not cool.

Also, although I admit that I wasn't paying meticulous attention to the grammar and spelling, it wasn't bad at all. By reading your note in your profile I thought it was going to be horrendous. Fortunately, there were just a couple of missing commas and a dash of mixups between "there, they're, their, your, and you're". That's not a big deal at all, and the mistakes can often be overlooked.

Until chapter 26! Oh, I may be one of the few, but I really like the little snippets with Lana and the Russian guy, haha.
zoule chapter 25 . 8/9/2008
Ah I want to know about the main Emo event! Update soon you lovely, lovely author :)
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