Reviews for It Can Always Get Worse
cbprice25 chapter 24 . 5/27/2007
Too short! Too short! We are "It Can Always Get Worse" deprived.
Rumor Mills chapter 24 . 5/27/2007
Poor Lana is still stuck in the middle. I love the part where Antony has Markus pinned against the wall, and Markus says, " 'I could kill him...Just for what I feel now, I could kill him.' " It really shows how in love with Jade he is. Very well done. I liked the chapter a lot. Your characterization is fantastic.
Jessie L. Star - AKA star123 chapter 24 . 5/27/2007
I've been waiting so desperately for this chapter and I'm so glad it didn't disappoint. Although I would have liked to learn a bit more about emo I guess I'll just have to be patient and wait for his time to come. Hey I'm like the mafia guy, I'm impatient with all the Markus/Jade stuff(although I enjoy it which probably isn't the same for your character) and really want to know more about the hotter Romano twin and Emo!

I really hope you update soon although I'm not going to whine about it...okay maybe just a little! Thanks for updating this chapter and writing this story full stop, I really enjoy it.

iKosinR chapter 24 . 5/27/2007
wow so i haven't been on fp for a while because i had thought i had just about exhausted my source of witty, lengthy, developed, creative, yumy-men-filled romantic stories, but then this popped up, and i'm back to being a romantic sap. this is seriously a REALLY GOD story. the characters, plot, witty convos, shifting narration, etcetcetc. i cannot WAIT for you to update again, so please do it soon, as i'm sure you must be on summer break now or at least soon :). and i haven't checked the skow website yet, but you definitely would deserve whatever you got nominated for!

ps i'm going to read more of your stories too :)

pps - only incongruity was in the christmas chapters.. doesn't it get cold in chicago? (i'm from the west coast so i wouldn't know) hm so it's just weird they walk around in dresses and a couple of layers without getting that cold.
Zoe Elizabeth chapter 24 . 5/27/2007
We just got our internet back up, so I was completely thrilled when I saw that little update e-mail in my inbox. Woohoo!

Awesome chapter, but when are we gonna get to that Antony and Lana kiss?

As always, though, I absolutely LOVE Lana's mannerisms. They're really fun to read, and blah blah blah..

Anyway, can't wait for more!

e clare
The Latest Plague chapter 24 . 5/27/2007
finally finally! an update! haha im sorry... im hyper.
CallMeCute chapter 24 . 5/27/2007
im a little skeptical about this logan guy
curious.soul chapter 24 . 5/27/2007
Great work! I love how you portray all the different relationships. Obviously, the one lana has with Anthony is cute- but i have to say, i really love the brotherly thing she has going on with marcus!

how long are the flashbacks going to go on for? I mean, its great how you're establishing the foundations and all but i can't wait for some real action! and surely, the interrogator guy must want her to get to the point as well!
britty-tt chapter 24 . 5/27/2007
Yayness! you updated!

I had actually forgotten how much I loved this story!

But this chapter did a real good job of reminding me!

Please try to update a little quicker next time because I die when I dont get enough updates!
sushi chapter 24 . 5/27/2007
i love this story, very happy u updated, hope to see more soon. D
Oh Blue Lass chapter 24 . 5/26/2007
Well Well Well!

Thanks Christ you finally got your A in to G and got another chapter out of this fantastic story, it's hotter than Gerard Butler in 300 - and that's saying something! For the love of all that is holy, don't slow down now - if you need a muse or harassing to write more, let me know! JUST DON'T MAKE ME WAIT!

Alenor chapter 24 . 5/26/2007
heya, this is a good chappie. i can't wait for more ~ ALenor.
cherrypiesizzle chapter 24 . 5/26/2007
please update soon!
anacharlie - lazy to login chapter 24 . 5/26/2007
I can't sympathize with Jade right now. It's a good chap, but it's 11h40 pm and I was supposed to be calling the day, yet there's stuff to be done. So I'll leave a decent review later. ;)
Erisah Mae chapter 24 . 5/26/2007
Cool- a little angst and anguish, makeups and breakups, and we're all ready for the next bout.

Emo is in the blue corner, Antony in the Red.

Bring it on!

Loving it,

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