Reviews for Nocte Yin: How To Be Evil 101 |
laruna cresent chapter 2 . 1/16/2010 i read, and already favorite the first book in this series. and i love it. your writing style is good. and your story is really solid. lol sometimes i forget nocte is only 13.. your a really amazing author and i look forward to reading more of this series. *p.s. i still want to know what he did with the pens. lol its irritating me. im sure ill find out soon, lol but patience isisnt my strong point.* |
AvalanchCXVII chapter 13 . 9/21/2009 Even better than the first one, although I did see signs of 'The-main-character-goes-into-depressed-funk' I'm glad you start putting good reason for it. But Jeez, at the end I wished she was a bit more evil, damn that traitorous...woman...(You know who I am talking about) |
A.K.A. Writer's Block chapter 13 . 9/3/2009 Well! This was just as amazing as the first (though infinitely more depressing. I hope Nocte finds a little happiness in the next... installment? Is that hte word?). And just to let you know, I like Nocte Yin just as much as Nocte Yang- maybe even a little more, actually. Well, I'm off to read the next one! I adore your stories! -aka. |
Storyteller's Shadow chapter 13 . 4/6/2009 I have read this instalment, and the first instalment as well. I'm having trouble remembering when the first ended and the second started so instead of reviewing both, I will give you one really long review. This story makes you question your morals. It makes you wonder what is good and what is bad. Isn't there a bit of light in the yin and a bit of shadow in the yang? Without light there will be no shadow. Who are we to define what is good and what is bad? What it is that makes up a person and a situation? Very well done. I really like Nocte as a character. She is not perfectly beautiful, strong, or fake. She is also not evil, but deffinately not good as well. She is undecided as to what she wants to be, what she wants to do, and though she says she wants to be good, like I said before, what is good and evil? Are actions what make up a person? Does the emotion behind the actions matter as well? Nocte has her own charisma. Most characters I have seen not only on fictionpress but in published books as well are repeated over, and over again. You can't tell one from another. They are also very unrealistic. Nocte has her own charisma, I can tell her from all the other characters in stories and I will remember her very well. The way she wants to be something, but ends up as something else is well thought of as well. She is also someone I can relate to easily. I enjoy the humour in the whole thing. You are explaining, but mocking those traditional "good and evil" stories. The contrast with Nocte and her family is amazing. The contrast within her family, between her sisters and brothers is very well done too. Something else I really like is how all of those evil people are evil, but yet not. You cannot trust them, but end up to anyways. How they are good in their own way. Some things you can fix up in your story. There were some spelling and grammer mistakes, bet they were very minor. Also you seem to rush things a little bit. The story should be let to develop, and not skip over. You said that you will start writing from first person, right? I think that will be good. When you are writing about Nocte's feelings, but not feeling them, it seems a bit odd. The betrayels surprised me. Savvy's betrail was quite shocking. She did not seem the tipe. I understand Whitely warned her, but there were no other clues. I think you should add some in the beggining. Weird glances, strange hunger for power, stuff like that. Noir's betrayel acutally shocked me much more. He was evil, and we knew it, but he saved her from Vanessa once, and they seemed to be on 'good' terms. I think I wanted him to develop into a 'good' sort of evil character. The betrayel from her family, I fully expected. It still made me feel kind of bad when her cousin was in on it too. He and Dire were my favoure non-Nocte family members. THis story was very well written, so well infact that I chose to read it over finishing my project on time. Good job. |
Lord Cirenmas chapter 13 . 4/17/2008 Still awesome! I really liked seeing Nocte show her power. It makes me wonder if she is going to make more use of it more visibly in the future. Of course I can probably find my answer by continuing to read. So I think I will stop typing and read on. Great Story! |
Seraphic Deviltry chapter 13 . 7/12/2007 NYGHT! Hyperventilating! It's so exciting! Will she be EVIL will she be GOOD? The first story of Nocte Yin was so good I was afraid that the sequel would pale in comparison, alas it did not. It surpassed my expectations and all that jazz... Anyway I loved it! I am so reading the next one, cha. -Seraphic Deviltry |
Scribblesandink chapter 13 . 4/19/2007 Ah, so that's why the first letter of each chapter was bold. I was wondering if that was just a weird quirk you had when you wrote this last year. So, it's now 3 a.m. and I have finally read all three of your stories. If you're wondering why I'm reviewing this story last, instead of 'Confessions' it's because I read part 3, and then one and two. So yeah...I really really really enjoyed the story. Lots of characters in it. Awesome! Oh yes, and one more thing.. 'I-live-to-be-evil!' |
Michelle Habibi chapter 13 . 3/19/2007 this chapter made my eyes fill up with tears. its kind of unbelievable but for some reason, i felt the same way as Nocte when everyone betrayed her. i think its because of your superb writing skills that just makes you feel like you're actually in the story. congratulations, not many writers can do that! wow, im kind of sad that its over, well, there's always the 3rd installment but i've already read that. i read that first, and was kind of confused about everyhting that happened until i found out by going on your profile that there were prequels. so it makes sense now that i know what happened before the 3rd story. the bad thing about it though, is that now i have to wait for updates instead of clicking the convenient link on the right...*sigh* i guess im just going to have to read it all over again until the next chapter...not that it wouldnt be fun, of course! lol, hope to see you soon in the next update in the 3rd story SOON! -Michelle |
girlsbyte chapter 1 . 1/30/2007 So, I'm sitting here in the school computer lab, on sperhero day, surrounded by capes, underwear on the outside (partialy my fault I admit) and steriotypical, famous, and all too obvious heros. Unfortunately from them a few villians (or semi-villians or me) decided that a school full of heroes needed a few villians thrown in. I (devious, anoying, and wanting to see if I was the only insane one here) came as Nocte Yin the psuedo villian/hero. And was recognized as her. And raved about your story with likesix other people. And had my costume changed and I stole Captin Caveman's (coincidentally by boyfriend's) cape. Life is Good. (And I haven't reviewed your story in ages. sorry bout that) |
Mistress DragonFlame chapter 13 . 10/1/2006 It took me a bit, but I finally finished the back stories of the one I started a day or two ago. Very interesting, and I enjoyed the length. there were some flaws here and there, like inconsistancy with the previous mention (Nocte went to the antique store for Dire's birthday, not Christmas, for instance) and a few misspellings, or errors in the words (Rone when you just mean one, and the like). My most hated chapter, sadly, appears to be number 14 of the first story (14's usually the best, too...) mainly because it's in script format. Blach! A pain to read much? I could only pray that it didn't continue. My favorite had to have been her birthday gifts chapter (forgotten which it was), mainly because of the Hellhounds. I'm so sad that she ended up getting rid of them! It would have been cool for her to have three Hellhounds trailing her around, making Noirs uneasy. Also, you had Elsu lead up to something in this story, when he suddenly attacked Deadwood, but it never showed any. Also, I would have assumed Nocte would have asked Yone to tell her what happened, as he saw it. Another small problem was with the 1337 5p34k. I can understand leet very well, but a few words in here even tripped me up. Well, that's about it. From reading (ie, skimming) your few author's notes, I see you don't really have a set character yet, but I think she's very well involved. Nothing she does seems 'off' as you put it. Well... maybe when she nearly suffocates from being outside. That was mentioned only a few times, and other times it is show she enjoys being outside. Like when she was at the beach, and when she was staring up into the snow. Well, that's all for now. Till the next time you up-date. Bye! |
Kkat84 chapter 13 . 9/19/2006 Good job-or should I say evil job? ;) The message was very amusing. I'm looking forward to the next story. If you get the chance, check my story out. |
twilight-eclipse chapter 13 . 9/19/2006 Nocte Yin and Nocte Yin: How To Be Evil 101 is just so amazing, I'm so nearly speechless. something that doesn't happen often at all. I waited every week for each chapter, dreaming of what could happen next. Now I have to wait Hell knows how long for Nocte Yin: Confessions Of A Villian-In-The-Making. The story just gets better and better and so much better. I really just can't wait. Please update soon! |
Basilisk-zero chapter 13 . 9/18/2006 That was great, can't wait for Confessions. |
Me chapter 13 . 9/17/2006 I really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, REALLY like this! In fact, I love it! You should become an author! |
polofreak1689 chapter 13 . 9/17/2006 I LOVE this story! I can't ait for the next one to come out! Please write more soon! |