Reviews for Tattered Souls
Cinis Bane chapter 5 . 3/29/2017
Would you mind if I used your plot loosly? I promise I'll give full credit to you.
Krel chapter 5 . 4/25/2016
? More please, i really wanna know what happens, cliff hanger :3 im really enjoying they story and the beautifully created characters ;)
lmccarty chapter 1 . 2/10/2015
geez... 2006? I was hoping you would continue the story but this was published almost 9 years ago:(
but... if you do get my message, think about finishing it. I really do love it.
Guest chapter 5 . 1/22/2015
I need more, now.
randomfloatingjellyfish chapter 5 . 11/16/2014
Lyla1439 chapter 5 . 12/11/2013
This story is amazing I love it! I cant wait for the next update! please post soon! -
yaoivampiresrule chapter 5 . 11/5/2013
very interesting story! Even though I was searching for finished ones, this one caught my eyes and I'm not disappointment! Please please please keep up the good work!
Princess Chibi-Sama chapter 5 . 9/8/2013
Absolutely amazing and I do hope you will finish this story
Celestiathealein chapter 5 . 11/30/2012
Omfg, I need more! Plez.
Redrosey18 chapter 5 . 11/28/2012
Wow, my favorite story I've read so far. Great writing, great story, can't wait for more!
FireOtaku18 chapter 5 . 11/12/2012
This is really good, I am curious about the whole Only thing, so the Only doesn't have to fall in love with the vampire? Does that mean Raphie won't fall in love with Hector?
TheChosenDhova chapter 5 . 10/2/2012
Wow. There aren't words good enough to describe this story! It's amazing and enticing! Please update soon! Amzing job, too ;)
THE WORLD DONT CARE chapter 2 . 9/22/2012
wow intens!
Encore19 chapter 5 . 9/14/2012
Yay please update soon. im really looking forward to how rapheal will end up liking Hector.
Encore19 chapter 4 . 9/14/2012
thats kind of sad. Raphie was pretty dramatic. amazing chapter though!
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