Reviews for Choices
koolchic chapter 5 . 1/15/2008
update soon! the suspense is killing me...

and who the heck is the surfer dude?
Skeptic-Critic chapter 5 . 3/18/2007
Thank you...I'm glad to know you took my words to heart...Although after seeing the author's note, I feel a bit ridiculous for complaining about hair color...I just get really wierd when I've been eating sugar I guess...

And there's actually no 't' in case you wondering...Thought I'd help out...

Is he a cute brunette? Maybe a sweet one? Who's really cute? Maybe turned out to be gay (don't ask where that came from)? Decided she'd be happier without him? Didn't cheat on her or go with a bad breakup? Something that doesn't make him a bad character now that we've established he's a brunette?
Choices Fan chapter 4 . 9/24/2006
Ooh! I love Choices! Why did u stop writing them? I think it would have been a great hit if you just keeping writing the story. Well, I hope you do!
Skeptic-Critic chapter 4 . 7/21/2006
Why doesn't she flirt back? I'd flirt like there was no tomorrow even if I despised him...It's fun...And then when he makes advances, you go 'ew I don't like you' and drop him...But only if you despise him...Or if one of your friends does...You probably should avoid innocent guys...
Skeptic-Critic chapter 3 . 7/21/2006
L word? what could it possibly be? Lost? 'Becky, I my number, can I have yours?' Could it be loan? 'Becky I loaned my room to someone. Can we share yours?' Hehehe...Okay so I'm having fun pretending I'm a master at making up pick up lines...Not that those really ever work...
Skeptic-Critic chapter 2 . 7/21/2006
Is Logan's mom's name Bridget or Samantha? Because I think you kept changing during this chapter...
Skeptic-Critic chapter 1 . 7/20/2006
Why blonde? Why always blonde? It's always blonde or dark haired..What about the redhead's and brunnettes? No one's hotties are brunnettes or redheads anymore...
sara chapter 4 . 7/14/2006
i am getting a little confused about somethings. For example the mothers's names, who is samantha and who is bridget. i am only asking because you keep saying samantha mathews instead of bridget mathews. overall nice concept.
SolisLuna chapter 4 . 7/12/2006
Muwahahaahaha, nice. Lol, update again soon! I am constantly saying that if you haven't noticed, lol...that too.

ThoughtsOnPaper chapter 4 . 7/12/2006
I like your story. I can't wait for the next chapter... It would be cool if they were a little longer though!
SolisLuna chapter 3 . 7/5/2006
Haha, nice ending. Update soon (I like the evil voice)
Lady in Disguise chapter 3 . 7/5/2006
O you are spicing things up. I wonder if he really was going to use the L word? Hm... Good chapter.
JennieMR chapter 2 . 7/5/2006
Cute story! Boy, little Logan was an ornery little dude. I laughed when read that part about him knocking over the sandcastle. Poor Rebecca, but still, it was funny. Keep writing! :-)
eventer chapter 2 . 7/3/2006
The emotional atmosphere of the story is create! The transition from prologue to the first chapter was choppy... was it suppose to be all in the past or partly the past and then fast-forwar to the first encounter? It may help to specify the time lapse in the beginning of chapter 1. Just an idea. I really cant wait to read more!
Lady in Disguise chapter 2 . 7/3/2006
I like this. I always like the stories where the people fall for thier enemy. Can't wait for your next update!
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