Reviews for Withdrawal
Spirit Tigress chapter 1 . 7/7/2006
Wow, that was sad. Also another reason that I don't use drugs. o.o Okay, I'm weird.
FoxyGrampa chapter 1 . 7/6/2006
Wah. ;-; That was so sad.

And yes, heroin is pretty much hypodermic intake. o-o Your portrayal of it was vague enough to be believable, dun worry. xP It was good, I almost cried a bit at the end. DD: I kinda wanna find out what happened with them, though...~ Just saying if you feel the need to backround it with a second chapter, I'll be there to read it. ;D Most def.
Catty-chan chapter 1 . 7/5/2006
Ah! *clingsobble* T_T

As you know, angst is the bane of my existence *coughcough* ...But your stories are meh life, so I am now torn *sniffle*But even though it's like OMFG TEH SADNESS!11!, it's still a very nice piece, Vixie . ...*feeds cookies stuffed with anti-depressants in hopes of getting a happy story out of you now* _
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