Reviews for Just Have To Deal
Riley Kathleen chapter 1 . 3/6/2008
xD SPORKS! - They're back! I'm sad...they don't have good sporks at my high school...But oh well. More stuff to read is always good! I can't help ut wonder EXACTLY where this is gunna go...*ponders* ...Maybe...NO! I'll not be evil yet! So long as you update fast... Enough for me...
AndrewMichaels chapter 1 . 3/1/2008
HA! I actually had to log off to review this. (The system wouldn't let me submit a signed review).

BTW, it's me, Taylary Daisuke _-!

Anyways, I glad to see you started this story once again and lol, at the beggining I was like, "Candance... Candance..., where have I heard that name before?" lol, I totally forgot that was Dee's real name!

Nice chapter, btw, I'm glad to see the characters are more upbeat than in the prequel.
Atropa Belladonna87 chapter 1 . 2/4/2008
i thought i already reviewed this chapter? :S

anyway, i love dee now and it i hope she won't make me cry like in WASL. i really hope things work out for her now that she's back among her friends. anyways regarding WASL yes it was long enough and quite good actually. so don't worry abt making it any longer. i seem to have the same problem with my stories too until my sis tells me that it's ok and that the normal sequence of events is fine so you don't have to worry abt how long it is same applies to your story. i think it's great/ :D

my exams are finished but the results arent' out yet. ::gulps:: wish me luck.

looking forward to more. i might step by lollipops too and check it out. that's all for now. :D
Taylary Daisuke chapter 3 . 12/6/2006
"If something bad happens to you and your enemy happens to be standing near by, know that it is ALWAYS their fault." That's so true, we think alike. And Dee, she's so, well, "modest" isn't she. She's not conceited, but she obviously loves herself a lot, which is always good, and in this case, funny. _.

Well, That's how much time I have to read today. I'll keep reading this another day.

PS: When I started on FP, I told myself I wouldn't read anything highschool related, but now, I'm sure glad I didn't abide to it, 'cuase I'm loving this one. Take take, and thanks for the reviews by the way. Till later.
Taylary Daisuke chapter 2 . 12/6/2006
Well as promised (in chapter 1), now that I have the time, I'll continue reading this funny fic. So the question is, is Ty... Wilson all talk or can he actually walk the walk? The answer lies in the next chapter (which I'll read now, make no mistake) Heh heh. Although it may seem cruel, I'm hoping to see someone cry. Is humorous to me, don't ask me why. Nice work.
EeeNAce chapter 7 . 11/21/2006
your writing is getting better as the chapters progress. The descriptions are becoming more eloquent (although this one was mostly conversation.) Continue D
EeeNAce chapter 2 . 11/21/2006
Haha the story is so perky XD it's cute!
EeeNAce chapter 1 . 11/21/2006
Hey! Tanks for reviewing my story~

You have a likeable story so far, with likeable characters, but it seems kind of rushed. The events seem to pile on top of one another. Despite that, it's good so far! continue!
Taylary Daisuke chapter 1 . 11/16/2006
Les, probably a miss teen princess, tackles Candance. LoL. I've seen stuff like this happen and I must admit it's pretty hilarious. So is Candance like the school's cupid or something? Anyways, I'm gald I took a short break from studying for this. I'll be back to read more when all my tests ends. Till later then.
Catcher in the Rye chapter 8 . 11/4/2006
Okay so Im just going to give u a list of names and you can match them to the right character if thats okay.

common names:

girls-Gabrielle, Sophia, Ana, April, Eve, June, Alex, Trish, Kaylee, Monica, Sally, Livvy(Olivia), Jackie, Brooke, Chris

Guys- Josh, Adam, Kyle, Troy, Tyson, Oliver, Pete, Jackson, Bret, Brock, Brian, Ryan, Luke, Jeff

Uncommon Names:

girls: Scarlett, Shiloh, Sage, Brooklyn, Rory, Jael, Yessica, Mika, Norah, Piper, Rio, Jaquelle, Kaylyn Savannah, Nidia, Rhian, Juliette, Ivy, Rose, Daisy

Guys: Hayden, Aiden, Jaylyn, Red, Asher, Jonas, Joel, Bruno, Willis, Reth, Doug, Fritz, Xavier, Juan, Dallas, Tex,

Hope that works for you babe!
Guest chapter 8 . 11/2/2006
Man, and I JUST got into this story, too!

*cough Dee should totally go with Jeremy cough*

Vince is a total pig, man. But Dee really shouldn't of blown up on him in that last chapter. I dunno.

Concerning the names...

Fabian is an amazing name. O 3 Pretty obscure.

I've always liked the name Julie.

Sebastian... Alice... Lucy... Gus... Michael... Josphat (pronounced like "Ja-ho-sa-fat")... Botolf... Jude... Tyler... Olivia... Emily... Grace... Nick... Henry... Quinn... Chris... Julius...

That's all I got. )
Midnight - Toker chapter 2 . 11/2/2006
Jimmy Hendricks? The heck? XDD

-continues reading after commenting on the Jimi Hendrix name-
Semicharmed love chapter 1 . 10/8/2006
good story! its cute.

i just found this today and i read it in one sitting.

i wonder who was calling her on her cell? hm...

its interesting how chase didnt remember. is he supposed to be a druggie or something?

anyways, cute story...can't wait to read more.
Catcher in the Rye chapter 7 . 10/2/2006
Hey hun. Sorry it's taking me so long to review it that school thing. Grr. I hate school...well not really, I just don't like the learning part. mY 1st year of highschool isn't all I expected it to be. ) Anyway, It was so good! I loved how she was talkn' to Jeremy and vince at the same time. Talk about suspense. Um...but where are the swords. Hullo! Swords!...sorry. Anyway I'll get the next chapter up as soon as I get enough down time! I love you!

books4me chapter 7 . 9/25/2006
Oh, I love your story!

I just stumbled upon it and read it in one go.

Good job. :)

I can't wait to read more,

* Books4mE *
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