Reviews for Rockstar
she smolders chapter 1 . 5/23/2007
I've always wanted to say that "I'm the one he writes songs about". I love the way you describe this boy, you make him sound and feel so real to the point that I wish I could know him now. The wistfulness of this puts a sad smile on my face because it's beautiful. Take care.
bittersweet.season chapter 1 . 10/28/2006
and i wish i could point out what i LURVE about this

but i'd be on and on forever.

and noody wants that, now.
kit feral chapter 1 . 9/4/2006
This is my favorite poem I've read today. I can relate to this so much. It's actually brought tears to my eyes. Favoritesfavoritesfavorites.

The last stanza had me kind of whimpering to myself... that hope is mine, too. I guess a lot of girls feel like that, hmm?

"He wants to coax a new name for perfection out of guitar strings" Prettyprettyperfect.

"in the not so far off future, and be able to say ‘that one’s about me.’" Beautiful.

"he’s faciant/ed(ing)" Love it.

This is going to be reverberating through my head all day, I can feel it. I love it to pieces. Never stop writing. I will be back to read more of your work. chapter 1 . 8/8/2006
I like the concept of this poem, and I like the formatting in the first stanza, what you did with the word "rockstar." There are a few typos/things I was confused about, though.

"and hear his name praises by thousands" - "praised"

"in the not so far off future," - I don't think you need this line at all, since you say, "maybe one day" before that

"when he get lost rhythmic hooks and melodies-/he’s faciant/ed(ing)." - These two lines confused the hell out of me. I have no idea what you were trying to say..that last word, I don't even know what word it's supposed to be.

"deep inside that I know that one day" - you don't need the second "that"

If you made those few changes, I'm sure this would be a wonderful piece. As it is, it's alright, but needs some tweaking. Keep writing! :)
Alyosha Karamazov chapter 1 . 8/6/2006
I love this! awesome the whole way.

Not boring or ordinairy at all, *this* rocked.

Keep writing.
the rockstar himself chapter 1 . 8/6/2006
i like that! and of course id remember you if i sumhow became a star. i mean, damn, u mean WAY more to me than becoming a rockstar! and besides, how could i forget what most of my songs are about?
steff chapter 1 . 8/1/2006
hell nik, we'll be with them both. they promised me that i'll always be with them and travel all around and fuck, if i go you're sure as hell going! :]
poetic abortion chapter 1 . 7/31/2006
Format is brilliant; the flow is amazing; I think I love you(r poetry).

No, seriously. I adore your poetry and I am just as close to obsessivly reading this as I've done everything I've loved; its pretty and gritty and glamour pretty-ugly and just pure amazing.

Love it, totally.

~* Noelle
pleasecometrue chapter 1 . 7/30/2006
Great write, love the format and the flow.
poet tree chapter 1 . 7/29/2006
(because we all know romance and rebellion are fodder of the musical elite.)

I love that line! Actually, I love this whole poem. For some reason, it really hits me hard... faves