Reviews for If you run, they will follow you
NO LONGER USING chapter 1 . 8/17/2006
Very nice start. and thanks for the review. I enjoyed reading it.

~ Lacy
hippos-anoonymus chapter 1 . 8/1/2006
I think this is a really good start, I want to know more of David's situation...and don't put yourself down your ten times better than a lot of writers here...and your a beginner

bravo, update soon
Kir Sirin chapter 1 . 8/1/2006
*sigh* what can I say... what can I say? Damn! You killing emily off just killed my little dreams of them together! Man, I make it seem like I've already read most of the story.

-But I really like the story. Alot of unanswered questions. Kir.. er, yeah, Kir. If you even think of deleting this story... I'm killing you off in Istar.