Reviews for the ASKARI comic draft
Rezyser chapter 11 . 12/8/2008
Wow, once I started I coudn't get my eyes of it! I love it. The characters especially... There is something gripping and beautiful about the cosa nostra atmosphere, the relations between them, their positions and obligations all mixed up with the underlying feelings they have for each other. Your artwork on deviantart is also breathtaking. Can't wait to read more, so don't stop here for long...

All the best!
fatsoko chapter 1 . 5/24/2008
I've actually read Once and Future Queen and really liked the tone of the story. I'm currently working on its sequel and also wanted to read this story. The concept is fresh so I'm excited. Thank you for writing.
DarK-FreEdoM chapter 1 . 4/21/2008
I realize you already have 11 chapters of this story but as of right now i cannot continue my reading since i must go to work :(. It's very sad i know, considering im already hooked on this story after one chapter. Your stories seem to do that to me. lol Well can't wait to read more :)

heslikecoughsyrup chapter 11 . 10/24/2007
c: c: c:

this is fantastic.

please update, c:
Vivian chapter 11 . 7/30/2007
Whoa. Your writing is amazing. The characters are so real and the plot, intriguing. I love that fact that most of your characters’ complexities are some-what exposed and that they all have some sort of relationship amongst one another. I have my favorites, ha ha. All of the characters are interesting and I hope to learn more about them!

Anyway, I hope you update soon because I cannot wait to see and read what else you have in store!
Lily Silver chapter 11 . 7/19/2007
I've just read this all in one sitting, and I'm so disappointed to see it's incomplete :( You now have me hooked on the story of the Askari family.

I decided to read this story when I stumbled across your deviantart page - your artwork is fantastic and you give all your characters such depth with their personality and interactions with each other. Granted, you have an advantage because you can draw the characters, but even in text form, everything and everyone can be visualised to perfection.

There were several grammar errors here and there, but it was nothing major that stopped me from reading on. I especially like Abigail and Valefor and their complicated relationship. You have managed to capture such a variety of exciting people, moments and conversations and I really hope you'll be updating soon :) Thanks for such a great story.
kokorosenshi chapter 2 . 6/1/2007
Another great story from you, I must say, how and where did you get the inspiration for this. You write as if you were a professional writer, or at least taking some classes at a local college, non the less, they are very interesting. The way the story clears up after leaving the reader in the dark hungering for more. How the characters interact with each other, the words you use paints a clear image of the scene, it is as if I'm not reading at all, but rather watching a program or a movie.
kokorosenshi chapter 1 . 6/1/2007
Hey, just read your story this morning after staying up all night, and well...its good. I was about to go to sleep till I wanted to read something in this site that didn't bore me to death. Actually, this chapter alone took my neccessity for sleep away, can't wait to read the other chpaters.
EezleD chapter 1 . 5/31/2007
I had been reading this on deviantart. So the story along with the artwork you had created with it was amazing.
RinoAlchemist chapter 1 . 4/19/2007
Wow! You're so amazing! I found about the askari in Deviantart! By the way, sorry my bad english. Anyway. You make feel so happy when I read about that cool family! Please hurry up with the next chapters! I Love AJax! He is so cute! And like we will say in my country: Ve por ello, niña! I really know that you one day are going to be a superstar!
erinox chapter 1 . 2/23/2007
nice first chapter. btw. I've seen your stuff on deviantart, and i like it a lot..
Kami chapter 2 . 9/25/2006
Ohh I've been seeing you submit image after image on deviantart, and had to seek around for this very good :D Love the character development throughout the two chapters, hope you'll submit more soon too!
Snapdragon chapter 2 . 9/22/2006
I love this so much, but will we be seeing more?
AM chapter 1 . 9/21/2006
You're such an awesome writer _ My god.. Hope to see a new chapter soon 8D
Snapdragon chapter 2 . 8/14/2006
Another excellent chapter! I really, really love the characters. Valefor is such a sweetie. And Ajax and Tom are adorable! Your writing style is so brilliant. Keep it up!
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