Reviews for Finding Home
NO LONGER USING chapter 1 . 8/17/2006
Very nicely written. Great job!

~ Lacy
Kir Sirin chapter 1 . 8/12/2006
I dont.. Really know how to review a poem, but... I guess I'll try.

As everything else you do, I liked this poem. It's cool how you make it ryhme and make sense at the same time. It sounds like it would sound better as a song, rather than a poem. I hope I spelled "poem" right... Heh, but anyways. I liked it. My favorite line was: "These things, my soul yearns to call my many a night I’ve thought of came to the be loved, and to love, you must first have a home"

Okay it's a bunch of lines, but I still loved it.-Kir