Reviews for Some Trust in Chariots
Tiffina chapter 2 . 9/4/2006
Very good story. I'm slowly making my way through it, savoring for when I run out...Interesting characters. I feel bad for Kit and his fathers reaction. Was his father lecture just views of himself rather then Kit?Curious as to what Mrs. McHenry died from. Was the feutus dead? Very sad how they had to deal with the outcome of her death too, what a harsh reality for a twelve year old, though I am sure it was the way of life back them.
Tiffina chapter 1 . 9/1/2006
Rose...I love your style of writing. What an opening, I will leave you feedback as I move along in the chapters. Just one question, maybe I missed it, but how old is Janet, I keep thinking she's Kit's age and then she says something that makes her Story, you have captured the historical in a way that keeps the reader captivated.