Reviews for The Art of Imploding
The Falconer chapter 6 . 7/23/2007
Beautiful. I'm not going to urge you for an update because I don't wouldn't want you to rush: you must take your time and make the next chapters as good as the previous ones. My only request is that you don't stop and continue the story.
Saeger chapter 6 . 6/25/2007
... aw...

well, a woman scorned... but thats too far. Witch lady must be payed back.
Headline Whore chapter 1 . 6/2/2007
Oh, lovely start!

I presume that the last two sentences had something to do with a certain Bright Eyes song? x3
Aquafied chapter 6 . 5/9/2007
“I have always believed there is nothing wrong with love.” The older man explained while returning the camera to me. He called to his dog and was gone, leaving me with re-established faith in mankind.

-yeah, well you know what? i love you.

thank you sincerely for writing this.

true love.
Aquafied chapter 4 . 5/9/2007
"fuck"ing beautiful

actually, in that accentuated state

you are amazing for not having them sleep with each other

because most kids dont, cant, and wont do that

and the fact you make the characters actual people.
Aquafied chapter 1 . 5/9/2007
can i follow you home?

that was from something, sometime

something important that ihave forgotten
Cracked Butterfruit chapter 5 . 5/4/2007
Your boys are intoxicating.

I need need need need more. Keep up the gorgeous work!
Yelizaveta chapter 6 . 4/15/2007
what a great story so far. i love how Kirsten knew exactly how to hurt him the most.
lisa chapter 1 . 4/15/2007
lover i don't have to love. how classic.
bitchfinder chapter 6 . 4/11/2007
OMG! That Kristen is such a crazy bitch. I know she is a bitch, because I'm the bitch finder, haha.

Did I tell you how fabulously beautiful your writing is? Stunning! Your story is so romantic and charming. You have such a way with creating imageries and make them move oh so sensually. Alexander is intriguing and West is a doll. I want both of them :)

Thanks for a wonderful chappy, and I can’t wait for the next update.
Orangeena chapter 6 . 4/8/2007
Aww.. it began so happily, two gay boys frolicking (not really..) on a mountaintop, nature's beauty all around.

Then a homo-friendly man with dog! Gotta love the liberals.

And then.. the wretched surprise. That Kirsten, man.. what a bitch. I guess I might have done the same thing if I were her, actually.. but she was a liar to begin with- she had it coming, sooner or later.

But we know what this means... AlexanderWest forever! Well, maybe not forever.. and he'll probably be dopey and depressed for awhile, but still. I think Alex will stick around to remedy that.

Cheers, it was lovely. Unsurprisingly.
valentine chapter 6 . 4/7/2007
i really love this story it's very well written, it doesnt drag things out unnecicisarily, and the characters are so real, in this chapter i can really empathise with his loss.

keep updating:)
Maris. S chapter 6 . 4/7/2007
You know, I have to say that i really was surprised while reading this story/ what you have of it so far. I wasn't too sure that I was going to like it, but I did. I don't know, maybe it's because I've become such a critical reader within the past year or something like that. But you have me deeply intrigued )

And just a side note on this last chapter here, i can totally understand what it is that West is going through seeing as to how I'm into art as well. But I look forward to the chapters that are to come~ Please update as soon as you get the chance
Rebel 0ne chapter 6 . 4/5/2007
That Kirsten is a vengeful bitch. Alexander and West seem to have found something special in each other and I'm glad.

I'm anxious for the next chapter.
dreamerdoll chapter 6 . 4/5/2007
I've come to the conclusion that you people (all you brilliant fictionpress authors) make me cry WAY too much! Seriously...either your stories are either SUPER well written, or I'm just overly emotional. Quite frankly, I'm thinking it's both. LOL. Anyway, terrific job with this-I must say that I absolutely LOATHE could you do that to someone? She obviously didn't love him, otherwise she never would have done that anyway, but either way, that is the most horrible thing you could do to someone, almost. I HATE her...and poor West and Alexander!

Anyway, terrific job, can't wait to read more!
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