Reviews for None Other Than
LachelleMarie chapter 13 . 9/10/2007
I love this story, its so cute! I was laughing and giggling alot hehehl. :). Update soon.
adnama3121 chapter 13 . 9/10/2007
Okay, lol, I haven't even read this chapter yet, lol, I'm sure it will be great, anyways, I went back to check the other chapter to see what happened and cathc up, you know, so I would be lost. There's are a few lines in the chapter that go like this: “Look, there is no boy! I have a new tutor for math and he was over helping me with problems and playing with Ryan and their quote un quote band and we got in a spat that’s all.”

Bethany lifts her perfectly plucked eyebrows. “Tutor huh? What’s his name?”

“How do you know it’s a ‘he’?” I ask, determined to be stubborn about this.

Umm...she says he as in: "...he was helping me with problems..."

Sorry I had to point it out, I was going to before but I forgot about it and I'm really really insane when it comes to grammar and spelling and things like that and I couldn't help it, it's like and OCD with grammar


P.S. Sorry it's really long and probably confusing
Bersky chapter 10 . 7/31/2007
heya kid. wow its been a really long time since i've read your still get me like they used to. this was really great too, made me think of the old jd dances. i miss you guys so much...i miss how much fun we would have at the dances too. keep it up kid, your doin great. i love you cupcake!
Sally Scribe chapter 12 . 7/12/2007
i love the story. um...i know it might sound a little rude one of the chapter where they're's just a little mistake. you typed "me routines". you have little mistakes here and there but it's really good. It might seem a little hypocritical of me since i can't catch those little mistakes in my stories but i want to help since your story is really good.
I Darkness chapter 1 . 7/12/2007
for some reason I think you just died...

prove it if you haven't... BY UPDATING!


I am begging you! I love TEIGAN! oh and ace as well...

please! i need to now if she says sorry...or something!

oh yeah and no excuses!
I Darkness chapter 12 . 7/7/2007

well i'm where's my hug?

sorry...could you update please? I thought you said you'll have plenty of time!...

and yea i'm kinda...uh...killing myself here, as to what is going to happen..

are you going to update? cause otherwise I will track you down and MAKE you finish this story!


oh and by the way...TEIGAN SOUNDS (and is) HOTT!

yes I am an australian...well not really i LIVE in australia..and have some very crazy friends
xbluxmoonx chapter 12 . 6/30/2007
aw, i liked it. nice chappie. lol. _ and i'll be waiting patiently for the next update. i just imagine myself sitting and twiddling my thumbs when i say "patiently". just weird. haha, ok. until then- or- later! :-D
ErBeBr chapter 12 . 6/25/2007
Yo dizzle! This is a good chapter. But yo necesito mas.

Oh and by the way... you were completely right about queen of glass! It is amazing.

I can not wait for the next installment of your story!

Have a good one!





for schuyler or how ever you spell it... I think of Schwag and take the g off and make the ler sound... so i have not any clue really!
iLoveFiction chapter 12 . 6/22/2007
yay another chapter! i wonder how Duke and Teigan are going to get Emma and Ryan back together, and most importantly what's going to happen with Duke and Teigan! :D thanks for updating i love how you portray each charater. *_*
xXMisz-meXx chapter 12 . 6/18/2007
I love this story! Hope you finish your next chapter soon! can't wait...good luck on ur jobs and stuff sounds stressful haha...xD
Ck90 chapter 12 . 6/18/2007
Aww you left me off on the juicy part! I want to know what his idea is! It is cruel! Other than that Update Soon!
violet-eyez chapter 12 . 6/17/2007
aww she hurt his feelings
into the black chapter 12 . 6/16/2007
Here is your belated review!

Does Mason look to Duke as a sister or more than a friend? Because even if he bickers with her, he seems interested in her well being. BTW Teigan is so charming.

Did I make your day after the 12 hours of work you put into the chapter? Because you owe me a hug.
Semicharmed love chapter 12 . 6/16/2007
Ahh. This is so cutee! Teigan and Duke need to get together soon and Ryan and Emma need to get back together. What Ryan did seems like something a guy would do though. Lol. Update soon!
danielle503 chapter 12 . 6/16/2007
i love this stroy,cant wait till next chapter,updated soon
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